NAC is extending performance and event cancellations and postponements until June 30

Canadians and permanent residents of Canada have the right to access general administration records of the National Arts Centre under the Access to Information Act. *

To make a formal request under the Access to Information Act, fill out an Access to Information Request Form or submit a letter and include the following:

  • you must state clearly that you are requesting information under the Access to Information Act 
  • description (be as specific as possible) of the record of interest to you 
  • name, street, address, city or town, province or territory, postal code, telephone number(s) 
  • date of your request 
  • signature 
  • Enclose the application fee of $5 made payable to the National Arts Centre for each request

Mail the request to the NAC’s Access to Information Coordinator at the following address:
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator, National Arts Centre
P.O. Box 1534, Station B, Ottawa, ON  K1P 5W1

The National Arts Centre will acknowledge all access to information requests within 30 calendar days once they have been received. In certain cases, the organization may need more time to process a request and will notify you of the need for an extension in such circumstances.

View summaries of completed access to information requests dating back to May 2012.

The NAC in Info Source: the official federal government information source.

(* Please note that some information may be exempt or excluded under the Act. Exemptions protect certain types of information that could cause harm if released. Also, the Act does not apply to information that is already available publicly, such as publications or material available on the National Arts Centre’s website.)
