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    Here's the ministry of labour's field visit report for the TTC work stoppage at Queensway. Specific complaint relates to passengers with accessibility issues who need assistance. Larger background is growing list of employee positive tests and claims TTC isn't doing enough.

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    7 phút trước

    Ontario reports it completed 9,001 COVID-19 tests yesterday. Cases "under investigation" did not rise; a sign that lab capacity is keeping up. Meantime, now that testing data is by sample, not patient, it's impossible to calculate the positive rate.

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  3. “I grew up in Kensington Market and this is how we shopped." ”Are you rediscovering a love for your neighbourhood store in the times of COVID-19? We spoke to people who used to go to big box stores, like Costco, and now are rediscovering how to buy local.

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  4. Vesuvio Pizzeria is closing after 63 years in business. It was not just my youngest daughter’s favourite restaurant, it was my son’s too, and my mother’s — our whole family’s, writes :

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  5. NEW: Instead of CRA scam calls, now COVID-19 has given fraudsters a new angle: Posing as people who are eager to help you out in this time of crisis. Don't fall for it.

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  6. Now is a time of reflection for Toronto artist . It's also a time to look out for others. "Judge no one, wash your hands." Today, he curates a playlist full of soul and nostalgia for your at-home cooking/working/chilling needs. 💿

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    This question has been on my mind: What is it *really* like to be mechanically ventilated? I found a patient who could tell me. Many thanks to Richard Reid for sharing his harrowing story: 'It will get you. It can get you. You are not safe.'

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  8. Public Health Ontario was reporting 144 residents of Ontario long-term-care homes had died during a confirmed COVID-19 outbreak as of Wednesday morning. A Star analysis put the number of residents at 219 — a difference of more than 50 per cent.

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    The ⁦⁩ caucus services bureau has prepared a new ad featuring Premier Doug Ford. Not a government spot.

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  10. A man was found dead in a burning house in Woodbridge early Thursday, York Regional Police Sgt. Andy Pattenden said.

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  11. ⚡️ This previously healthy 63-year-old father, got COVID-19, went on a ventilator, was told he had a 50/50 chance of surviving — and lived. This is Richard Reid's journey on fighting against all odds to recovery.

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  12. Canada faces a looming “echo pandemic” of mental health issues as the coronavirus outbreak takes a heavy toll on isolated Canadians, health-care workers, and those who’ve seen usual mental health supports fall away in the lockdown, says the CMHA

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  13. A U.K. study reported a 66 per cent death rate for COVID patients requiring advanced respiratory support. A study from Wuhan found that only three out of 22 patients survived after being placed on a ventilator. This is Richard Reid's survival story.

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  14. For Richard Reid, a single word encapsulates his three weeks at the hospital: alone. Nobody could visit. “I’m literally outside of his window in the ICU driveway... bawling my eyes out," his wife remembers as her husband fought for his life.

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  15. A week after returning to Toronto, he had a cough, mild-fever, chills. He got tested for COVID-19 and it came back positive. His health quickly deteriorated over the days. “It felt like you couldn’t get enough air.” Then, he was transported to hospital.

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  16. Back in February, COVID-19 in Canada was still a mystery. So he didn't think twice about flying to Miami. At the time, there were only 8 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Ontario. "He's got this invincible attitude," his wife Lori De Luca Reid says.

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  17. The vast majority of COVID-19 patients who undergo the ventilator procedure end up dying with a tube in their throat, global statistics show. Richard Reid, a previously healthy was one of them. He was told he had a 50-50 chance of survival.

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  18. This 63-year-old Bay St. businessman got COVID-19, went on a ventilator — and lived. This disease is a monster, he says. And his survival does nothing to inoculate him against his fear. “This virus — it’s more terrifying to me than ever.”

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  19. Today's the day! Calling people of all ages — we have a live beginner's dance class taught by the First Soloist Tina Pereira happening at 12 p.m. Extra challenge? Take photos or videos of you trying it out! Time to get active.

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    This also starts a project that fills a void in Arts during the COVID-19 lockdown, where I, keeping , photograph performers practicing. I photographed the National Ballet's First Soloist Tina Pereira from the hallway in her loft as she trained.

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