Scenes from Spring·Video

Tiny hummingbird feeds her babies

The return of spring means many chirping baby birds.
The return of spring brings with it lots of chirping baby birds. 1:50

Hello, Spring!

The return of spring brings with it lots of chirping baby birds.

Only 20 days ago, this young Anna's hummingbird hatched, and was the size of a jelly bean. In that short time, he's grown into a fledgling who's almost ready to set out on his own. And it's all thanks to his mother.

Her busywork began way back in December when she built her nest. Ever since he hatched, she's been feeding her young constantly with nectar and insects every 20 minutes!

Now, he's getting ready for flight school, but it's going to take practice — Anna's hummingbirds can flap their wings up to 70 times second! It won't take long to get the hang of it.

Watch the video above to see the full story.

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