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Hamilton preparing for 'new reality' as city edges closer to reopening more services

The city of Hamilton is planning for a “new reality” as it decides what city services will reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic as Ontario progresses through its phased approach.

Province and feds have no plans to pay low-wage essential workers a living wage

Calls for implementing a living wage have been reborn as many minimum wage workers have been essential employees during the COVID-19 pandemic — but provincial and federal governments are still shutting down the idea of implementing a living wage.

Haldimand-Norfolk is no longer distributing ID cards to migrant workers

The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit has stopped distributing identification cards for migrant farm workers, most of whom are from Mexico and the Caribbean, to carry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Provincial regulator says Rosslyn failed to protect residents from neglect, follow infection prevention

A provincial inspection of a Hamilton retirement home that was emptied following a severe outbreak of COVID-19 found it didn't follow infection prevention and control measures and failed to protect residents from neglect.

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