
NACO Lunch Breaks | Pause-midi avec l’Orchestre du CNA

We hope you are all doing well and staying safe! We know that practicing physical distancing can be challenging, but we also know the power music has to connect us. Every weekday at noon (12:00pm EDT) we will be showcasing one of the wonderful musicians of Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra. We hope this offers some enjoyment, and distraction from the current situation, and are looking forward to being able to welcome you all back to Southam Hall in the future!
Nous espérons que vous allez bien et que vous demeurez en sécurité! Nous savons que la distanciation physique peut poser des défis, mais nous savons aussi que la musique a un pouvoir rassembleur. Chaque jour de la semaine, à midi (heure de l’Est), nous mettrons en vedette nos merveilleux musiciens de l’Orchestre du Centre national des Arts. Nous espérons que vous serez divertis et distraits de la situation actuelle, et nous avons très hâte de vous accueillir à la Salle Southam à nouveau prochainement!
We hope you are all doing well and staying safe! We know that practicing physical distancing can be challenging, but we also know the power music has to connect us. Every weekday at noon (12:00pm EDT) we will be showcasing one of the wonderful mus...
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