
The New York Times’s audio team sits in the heart of the newsroom, providing access to more amazing stories, reporters and critics with deep expertise. That’s what powers The Daily every day. It comes through when listening to Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham talk about culture on Still Processing, and when Pamela Paul interviews best-selling authors on The Book Review. The success of The New York Times’s podcast suite has extended our reach and allowed us to build deeper relationships with our listeners.

Reach your target audience


of listeners are 30 years old and younger 1

NYT Survey of The Daily listeners, December 2018


of listeners are 40 years old and younger 1

NYT Survey of The Daily listeners, December 2018


listen to 5+ episodes of NYT podcasts each week 1

NYT Survey of The Daily listeners, December 2018

Share your story in a New York Times podcast.

There are a multitude of ways your creative can come to life in a New York Times podcast.
T Brand Studio can help determine the best path forward for your brand.

Tier 1:

Client provides up to 2 scripts

Tier 2:

T Brand Studio provides scriptwriting assistance

Tier 3:

T Brand Studio creates custom ad spots with sound design, music and premium voice talent


Copy is due 10-15 business days prior to the flight start date (exact date varies by month). For :30 ads, word count should not exceed 90 words. We cannot guarantee the inclusion of any ad copy changes submitted after the copy deadline. Sponsors will receive an aircheck before the air date.
Two (2) script recordings are included in each podcast package. Please send ad copy to your New York Times client lead in PDF, Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format. Copy should be structured as a verbatim script, not as a list of desired talking points. Endorsements, Host Reads, Music and Ad Libs are not accepted. All ads must be recorded by T Brand Studio. Client-provided audio files will not be accepted.

Podcast Advertising Standards

The New York Times maintains the highest standard of journalism and advertising of any media publication in the world. Podcasts are a unique and specialized platform to reach our ultimate reader/listener audience. Therefore, the podcast department at The Times reviews all advertising creative to ensure consistently high standards so that advertisers and listeners benefit from our quality environment. We encourage advertisers to submit messages that are tasteful, easily understood, and are appropriate for the subject of the podcast.