Real Estate


Housing Rebound During Pandemic Exposes The Wealth Divide

Most people who were, and are, in the market to buy a home have escaped the recession relatively unscathed.

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24 hours ago

Who Benefits From The Stamp Duty Holiday?

The Chancellor today confirmed a cut to Stamp Duty with immediate effect, increasing the Stamp Duty threshold at which buyers start to pay the levy from its current £125,000 up to £500,000. This measure will remain in place until March 31, 2021.
Jul 7, 2020

8 Pro Tips For Storing Your Coronavirus Face Masks At Home

This isn’t a storage challenge most of us have encountered before 2020, but it’s something many of us are considering now. We want to keep an organized home, but we also want our masks to be convenient so we don’t forget them when we head out the door.