May 29, 2020
The summer of staying home

What are we going to do now? Welcome to the summer of staying in your community. Here are ways to responsibly do things with your friends, spruce up your outdoor space or backyard so it looks like a getaway spot, and spend time with your kids and pets.

Reopening California
Los Angeles County officials are hoping to find out as early as Friday whether they’ll be allowed to reopen restaurants for in-person dining, along with barbershops and hair salons.
Lassen County reported its first cases, and Sonoma County has seen an increase after being among the first in the state to ease stay-at-home orders.
Synagogues in L.A. are now allowed to reopen, but rabbis have been grappling with the right thing to do.
More News
For many Americans, quarantine in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a sort of prison. For Kevin Harrington, it was freedom.
Smithfield, one of the nation’s largest pork plants in Sioux Falls, S.D., shut down after nearly a quarter of its workers were infected with the coronavirus. As it reopens, refugees who work the factory floor and hog farmers wonder if the risks are worth it.
L.A. City Atty. Mike Feuer says his office and other law-enforcement agencies are investigating car dealer Hooman Nissani.
A man was shot to death as violent protests over the death of a black man in police custody rocked the city for a second straight night, with protesters looting stores near a police precinct and setting fires.
The legal volley continues a long-running skirmish, involving allegations that Qatar officials tried to sabotage Ice Cube’s three-on-three basketball league
American homeowners eligible for relief under the CARES Act were provided confusing information by more than two dozen banks, a watchdog has found.
The death of 22-year-old “Terrace House” star Hana Kimura is a reminder that even the wholesome Netflix reality show can be a pressure cooker.
The coronavirus did little to slow L.A. County’s high-end real estate market in April. Top sales include Travis Kalanick’s purchase of the onetime Georgia Frontiere estate and Kylie Jenner’s latest home acquisition.
Netflix has finalized its purchase of the Egyptian Theatre more than a year after the deal was first announced. Now the hard part begins.
During a week in which Lana Del Rey battled critics over an Instagram post that drew charges of racism, the singer more quietly released a new spoken-word video
Martha McPhee’s latest novel, “An Elegant Woman,” unearths the real past behind a family’s carefully, falsely wrought pedigree.
The California Court of Appeals reversed a previous ruling that upheld former USC kicker Matt Boermeester’s expulsion from the university.
Chargers defensive lineman Isaac Rochell is using the coronavirus shutdown to come up with innovative ways to help charities and the community.
Kristine Anigwe, the Sparks’ newly acquired center, knows she can’t take anything for granted when it comes to earning and keeping a WNBA roster spot.
After a pair of frustrating losses at Darlington and in the Coca-Cola 600, Chase Elliott wins a rain-interrupted race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
No restrictions were placed on residents’ movements, and businesses from restaurants to hairdressers stayed open.
China’s ceremonial legislature endorses a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that critics say will be used to stifle dissent.
The coronavirus crisis has led to some tentative attempts at cooperation between Arab Gulf nations and Israel, which many of them do not recognize.
Manhunts have begun after hundreds of people, some with the coronavirus, fled quarantine centers in Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Staying Home
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