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Toronto police chief warns of 'opportunists,' 'misinformation' after woman's fall from highrise

Toronto's police union is raising concerns over "opportunistic" comments posted on social media in the wake of the death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet. The 29-year-old's family said in the hours after her death they believed police pushed her from a highrise balcony.

Ford says he is considering regional reopening of Ontario as new testing strategy rolled out

Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he's considering a regional, phased approach to reopening the province amid the COVID-19 pandemic — an option he had previously resisted.

Manufacturing plants, grocery stores, delivery companies all have COVID-19 outbreaks in GTA

Various types of indoor workplaces and factory settings are all hot spots, according to the latest details provided to CBC News by public health units across the Greater Toronto Area.

Troops on pandemic duty to get benefits paid to soldiers serving abroad

Canadian soldiers serving in the Ontario and Quebec long-term care homes hit by the pandemic are now eligible for the same hazard benefits paid to troops serving overseas, says the country's top military commander.

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