CBC News opinion

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OPINION | Alberta Parks for now, for life, forever

OPINION | Kenney will end state of public health emergency June 15. Let's hope COVID-19 is amenable

OPINION | N.W.T. MLAs are in it for themselves


Phase 3 of Sask.'s reopening should include kids' recreation


Manitoba needs to fix 'disorganized mess' that is pandemic education plan, says mom and teacher


Front-line health workers are under enormous stress, and we need to develop mental health support plans now

OPINION | Alberta could be fighting its last pipeline battle


'Evidence-based' does not mean there is no politics


Knowledge, expertise and hope can spread just as quickly as a virus

Point of View

The myth of more 'free' time during the pandemic — and how pressure to use it productively might hurt

Point of View

How helping my parents during COVID-19 brought me closer to my (lotus) roots

OPINION | Calgary can become a cleantech capital within a decade. Here's how

OPINION | Growing resilience: What could a secure food system look like?


How the COVID-19 crisis exposes widespread climate change hypocrisy


Those who want total ban on handguns lack understanding of firearm sports

Point of View

I don't think we'll be nicer after COVID-19, but we might be wiser. That's more important


Stalkerware puts those living with abusers in even greater jeopardy during COVID-19 isolation


Quarantine and the constitution: Are Newfoundland and Labrador's public health measures legal?


Pandemic proves companies can change in an emergency — so what about that climate crisis?


COVID-19 has put a harsh spotlight on the anti-Asian racism that has always existed in Canada

OPINION | Still waiting for Alberta to get the memo on climate-conscious investing