Health & Wellness


Spurred by promising early findings, researchers are investigating whether drugs currently approved to treat heart disease can also prevent or reduce complications from Covid-19 and help hospitalized patients recover sooner.

To help protect against the coronavirus, the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily. Bryan Warcholek, who leads the Covid-19 team for biohazard clean-up company Aftermath Services, shows how it’s done. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal

Your Health

With stress rising and schedules upended, many are struggling to get back on track; tips from the experts on ways to get a good night’s rest.


Public-health and government officials worry protests against police brutality toward African-Americans and other minority groups, spurred by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, could result in another jump in coronavirus cases in the coming weeks.


Russia’s Ministry of Health on Saturday approved a flu drug for use in fighting coronavirus after officials said preliminary testing showed hospitalized patients who took the pills recovered more quickly.


Companies that make antibody tests that are seen as key to easing lockdowns say high prices for the blood of recovered Covid-19 patients pose a hurdle to developing the tests.


As businesses and consumers come out of lockdowns, many think a key part of the solution is quick diagnostic testing that doesn’t require specialized labs. Yet experts estimate access to quality rapid tests is months away.