
Police denied an application by organizers of an annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, amid concerns over civil liberties after China said it would impose national-security legislation on the city.

With the U.S. and its allies distracted by the pandemic, China’s leader has taken bold steps on issues where he’s often faced international pushback, including Taiwan, the South China Sea and a disputed border with India.

Chinese scientists in recent days said they had ruled out both a laboratory and an animal market in the city of Wuhan as possible origins of the coronavirus pandemic, in their most detailed pushback to date against allegations from U.S. officials and others over what might have sparked it.

China broke with more than a quarter-century of tradition by not issuing an economic growth target for 2020, a stark acknowledgment of the challenges facing the world’s second-largest economy as it grapples with uncertainties around the coronavirus pandemic.

China signaled it will impose new national-security laws on Hong Kong, dealing a blow to the territory’s autonomy as Beijing seeks to stamp out widespread pro-democracy protests that have challenged leader Xi Jinping.

Beijing plans to allow mainland state-security agencies to establish an official presence in the city, a senior Chinese official said Friday, adding to concerns about Hong Kong’s diminishing autonomy as Beijing steps up its efforts to rein in the protest-torn city.

Beijing’s plan to crack down on dissent in Hong Kong with a new security law sent a chill through opposition groups, dealing a blow to a protest movement that nearly a year ago rallied a million people to the streets to halt China’s growing influence over the former British colony.

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