Notable & Quotable

‘The draft’s inequities were clear, and efforts to address them failed because the policy was inherently regressive. So too are lockdowns.’

‘With so many people being paid goo-gobs of money to perform activities that you have perceptively identified as valueless, you can make yourself incredibly rich. . .’

‘Rates of new confirmed COVID-19 cases didn’t increase in Wisconsin compared with the rest of the country after the April 7 election.’

‘This horoscope column includes some suggestions that are contrary to the advice to socially distance or self-quarantine.’

‘At something close to normal prices, it is unlikely that a firm will buy the additional capital equipment necessary.’

He ‘made himself a senator non grata by exposing vanity-project spending like the $223 million ‘bridge to nowhere’ in Alaska.’

‘The mayor’s daily trek by SUV to the Brooklyn gym has been the object of ridicule even in normal times, and his decision to work out there Monday drew widespread outrage.’

‘The Department of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor in queer migrations.’

‘What’s one way to get them diverted from the ways that Trump is making in handling the coronavirus? Well, let’s bring up Hillary’s emails again.’

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