
Credit Markets

Bond investors cautiously cheered a proposal by the European Union to issue centrally backed bonds for the first time, a move that attempts to address financial divisions that have long plagued the eurozone.


U.S. government-bond yields climbed, lifted by investors’ optimism over resumed economic activity around the world. The yield on the benchmark 10-year note rose toward the high end of its recent range.

Credit Markets

The debt wrapped up another strong week, reflecting investors’ hopes for an economic rebound and support from the Federal Reserve.

Pro Bankruptcy Credit Markets

The coronavirus pandemic’s impact on American travel has made a winner of Apollo Global Management’s wager that Hertz Global Holdings would default on its debt, people familiar with the matter said.

Credit Markets

Investors are lapping up a record amount of Southern European sovereign debt in a hunt for yield, and counting on the region’s central bank to backstop the riskiest bonds.

Credit Markets

A novel pandemic bond is paying out, delivering money for Covid-19 health care in some of the world’s poorest countries and providing lessons that big investors will scrutinize for future iterations of the security.


Federal-funds futures, which traders use to bet on the course of monetary policy, continued to show a chance of negative interest rates by April 2021, even after officials said the central bank isn’t considering cutting rates below zero.

Credit Markets

Changes by the Federal Reserve to its TALF relief program for asset-backed debt markets could unclog a logjam in Wall Street’s pipeline of collateralized loan obligations.

Credit Markets

U.S. government bond prices fell Friday after the April jobs report met but didn’t exceed economists’ dismal expectations.

Credit Markets

The yield on the two-year Treasury settled at a record low after data showed the continuing hit to the U.S. labor market from the pandemic shutdowns.

Credit Markets

The Treasury Department said Wednesday it plans to ramp up auction sizes of longer-dated securities and will issue a new 20-year bond at an initial offering of $20 billion, much larger than Wall Street analysts were expecting.


U.S. government-bond yields rose ahead of the Treasury Department’s announcement about how it will finance burgeoning deficits as the coronavirus pandemic upends the fiscal outlook.