Fed officials have largely agreed that an aggressive response by the central bank has helped cushion the economy from the shock caused by the coronavirus crisis. But they also have said a recovery won’t be swift.

    The world’s low-income and emerging market economies will likely remain deeply damaged even five years after the coronavirus pandemic and associated lockdowns began, according to a new study from the World Bank.

Global Calendar

  • 10:00am ET
    Bank of Canada releases interest-rate decision (CAN)
  • 7:45am ET
    European Central Bank releases policy statement (EUR)
  • 8:30am ET
    U.S. Commerce Department releases April international trade data (USA)
  • 8:30am ET
    European Central Bank’s Lagarde holds press conference (EUR)
  • 2:00pm ET
    Bank of Canada’s Gravelle speaks by videoconference (CAN)

Data & Interactives

    Search policy maker comments going back to November 2013 using keywords and speaker names, and examine where market indicators stood when officials made their remarks.