Dow Jones Hosts Risk and Compliance Leaders for Breakfast Briefing

May 16, 2018

On Friday, May 11th, Dow Jones Risk and Compliance hosted an informative breakfast briefing at our European headquarters in London, bringing customers and other industry practitioners together for discussions on recent developments in the sanctions landscape and providing updates on new product releases and enhancements from the Risk & Compliance business.

Christophe Amez, EMEA Director for Dow Jones Risk and Compliance, kicked off the morning with welcome remarks to a packed room.  He handed the stage to Mara Lemos Stein, a risk and governance reporter from WSJ’s Risk and Governance Journal, who hosted the keynote session on changing risks in the world of sanctions. The interview featured Michael O’Kane, Senior Partner at Peters & Peters, and Dr. Justine Walker, Head of Sanctions for UK Finance, with much of the discussion focusing on the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran deal.  For a more developed analysis, please refer to a this recent Wall Street Journal post.

The panel was followed by Gavin Proudley, Global Director, Due Diligence, and Jim Armstrong, Head of Cerico, both from Dow Jones Risk & Compliance, who commented on the recent release of a new third party risk management tool from the Risk & Compliance business. Dow Jones’ recent acquisition of Cerico paved the way for this exciting new offering, resulting in a legally-led workflow application built around premier risk data.

John Edeson, Product Manager for Dow Jones Risk & Compliance, concluded the morning with demos of Dow Jones’ trade compliance solution for screening dual-use goods, ExImCheck, and of a new tool for screening employee expense reports against anti-bribery and corruption risk, RiskConnector for Concur.

Dow Jones Risk & Compliance is a global provider of third party risk management and regulatory compliance solutions.  Working with clients across the globe, we have created products and services to help companies evaluate third party risks faster and with more confidence.

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