Christopher Mims

Christopher Mims

Technology columnist, The Wall Street Journal


Christopher Mims writes Keywords, a weekly column on technology. Before joining the Journal in 2014, he was the lead technology reporter for Quartz and has written on science and tech for publications ranging from Technology Review, Smithsonian, Wired, the Atlantic, Slate and other publications. Mims, who has degree in neuroscience and behavioral biology from Emory University, lives in Baltimore.



The coronavirus is helping to erode the hype around artificial intelligence; data scientists get the axe and some “old-fashioned” solutions work better.


Homebound consumers are flocking to the site for scones, biscuits, muffins, breads, doughnuts and...alkaline tahini spelt cookies. Homebound chefs are eager to satisfy this newfound hunger for baked goods.


Americans invented liquid crystal displays but couldn’t capitalize on them. On the technology’s golden jubilee, it’s time to reflect on the value of R&D.


Until the techno-utopian dream of full automation is realized, the growth of not-yet-autonomous technologies is creating opportunities for humans to help operate robots remotely, sometimes from thousands of miles away.

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