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Bio-Medical Science Major

This joint program of the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Biomedical Sciences focuses on the maintenance and promotion of human and animal health through the study of function (biochemistry and physiology), structure (anatomy and histology), and basic medical sciences (epidemiology and pharmacology). It will permit graduates from this B.Sc. program to contribute to society in the area of health maintainance. The program is a good preparation for students intending to develop professional or research careers in the medical and biological sciences. Through the use of electives, students may structure a program emphazing either nutritional sciences or principles of health and disease prevention. For more information on recommended electives contact the co-ordinator of the major.

Faculty Advisors

Your Faculty Advisor plays a significant role once you have selected your area of specialization. They are there to provide:

  • Transcript evaluations for graduation - ie: Grad Checks
  • Specific course information for majors and minors
  • Information about specializations within majors
  • Course substitutions
  • Career opportunities

The Faculty Advisors for the Bio-Medical Science Major are Drs. Bettina Kalisch and Pawel Bartlewski.
Please contact Kim Best (, ext. 54918 to schedule an appointment.



Dr. Bettina Kalisch





Course Update:

Program Information: