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  • Male student in lab coat looks at plant specimen

    A unique course with online and classroom components, and a 40-hour experiential learning opportunity in the agri-food sector working with government, businesses or an organization. 

  • Prof. Angela Canovas sits in lab coat looking at computer screen

    University of Guelph has grown to become one of Canada’s top comprehensive, research-intensive universities and a global leader in research innovation.

OAC on Twitter

7 hours 44 min ago

New Prof in Indigenous Environmental Stewardship https://t.co/kpPK74jKOX is excited to welcome Prof. Je… https://t.co/DxkSPvwGMT

8 hours 25 min ago

Eric Prelaz, #OACAlum & past SFOAC president, has a message for the OAC class of 2020! 🎉⬇️ #GuelphGrad #OACcongrats… https://t.co/K5SICdvGWp

1 day 48 min ago

#OACProf named one of 2020's Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture https://t.co/Qvw1nIRpnN Congrats to Prof.… https://t.co/GdWGM5Jf1p

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