Human rights issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights violations including censorship, discrimination, arbitrary detention, xenophobia were reported from different parts of the world. Amnesty International has responded that "Human rights violations hinder, rather than facilitate, responses to public health emergencies, and undercut their efficiency."[1] The World Health Organization has stated that stay-at-home measures for slowing down the pandemic must not be done at the expense of human rights.[2]

Numerous experts reported that the COVID-19 pandemic is a situation when numerous issues are being experienced intersectionally, and thus, are no longer an issue of only one category.

Freedom of speech and expression[edit]


The government of China enforced early censorship to suppress information about COVID-19 and the dangers it poses to public health.[3][4] There were criticisms that the epidemic was allowed to spread for weeks before efforts were undertaken to contain the virus.[5] Li Wenliang, a Chinese doctor who alerted his colleagues about coronavirus was censored and then detained for "spreading false rumors."[6] He succumbed to the infection and later died.[7] Amnesty International criticized that China's aggressive lobbying of the World Health Organization involved minimizing of the severity of the outbreak.[1]

"Plague Inc.", a mobile game that focuses on the simulation of global pandemics was banned by the Cyberspace Administration of China on the grounds that it had "illegal content" and was promptly removed from all Chinese digital stores. Ndemic Creations, the game developer, said that it is unclear whether this was in connection to the COVID-19 outbreak but that they plan to work hard to get their game back into Chinese players' hands.[8]


An experienced midwife working during the pandemic in a Polish hospital was fired after she published a report on Facebook on 18 March about the conditions of medical personnel and the hospital in relation to the pandemic. Reports came out afterwards that doctors were being forbidden from providing information to the media. On 25 March 2020, the Polish Ombudsman Adam Bodnar informed the Minister of Health that medical staff's freedom of speech and the public's right to know are guaranteed under Articles 2, 54 and 61 of the Polish Constitution and that firing or punishing doctors for informing the public during the pandemic could be a violation of the "obligatory standards".[9]

On 26 March, Poland's secretary of state of the Ministry of Health, Józefa Szczurek-Żelazko [pl], published a written statement forbidding voivodeship medical consultants from making statements related to the coronavirus unless they first consulted with the Ministry of Health or Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny [pl] (GIS, the national health agency).[10] A doctors' group, Porozumieniu Chirurgów SKALPEL, described the order as blackmail and said that it risked catastrophe.[10]


Law enforcement agencies detained 19 social media users whose posts were "unfounded and provocative", causing panic and fear according to the officials.[11] Some newspapers considered these actions to be censorship.[12] As of 6 April, at least seven journalists, who were each reporting for local media, were detained for how they covered the pandemic, and the state media watchdog had fined at least three channels for their coverage of the outbreak, including the mainstream channel Habertürk, which was penalized after its medical expert stated that the low level of testing and the high rate of transmission of the virus meant there were many undiagnosed cases, greatly exceeding the government's confirmed case figures.[13]

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Turkish parliament accepted a bill which could enable the release of up to 100,000 prisoners, including people responsible for deaths. However, the law excludes Turkey's around 50,000 political prisoners,[14] including journalists and human rights defenders, who are said to remain jailed despite overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions already posing severe health threat.[15][16]


The government of Turkmenistan outlawed the word "Coronavirus" on media.[17]

Social networks[edit]

Various social networks applied anti-spam measures for content posted about SARS-CoV-2 and the pandemic. Facebook allegedly censored informative content about the virus.[18] According to users, posts about the coronavirus from reliable sources of media were blocked and hidden from other users. Facebook claimed a bug was responsible for this, but conspiracies are circulating that this was done deliberately to suppress information.[citation needed]

YouTube demonetized several videos in which the term "corona" was used. The demonetization was cited under the rules of sensitive content.[19]

Right to health[edit]


In China, many patients had to be turned away from hospitals after hours of queuing due to the high number of ill people.[1] Shortage of testing and treating material were reported.[20] Due to the high volume of patient inflow in Italy, doctors were forced to decide on whether or not to treat the elderly, or leave them to die.[21] A photo of a nurse who collapsed due to huge workload in an Italian hospital was widely circulated as a symbol of the overwhelmed system.[21]


In Libya, the medical situation was worsening amidst the ongoing war, where hospitals were constantly being attacked. In April 2020, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Libya, Yacoub El Hillo confirmed that 27 health facilities have been damaged and 14 close in five weeks. On April 6, UAE-backed forces of Khalifa Haftar launched a Grad rocket attack against the Al-Khadra General Hospital and damaged the 400-bed facility, where 300 patients, including two COVID-19 patients, were being treated. The attack was condemned as a violation of international humanitarian law by Yacoub El Hillo.[22][23]

Freedom from discrimination[edit]

Racism and xenophobia[edit]

There have been increased reports of racism against Asian people, particularly against Chinese people in Europe and the Americas.[24][25][26] The World Health Organization's Emergency Committee issued a statement advising all countries to be mindful of the "principles of Article 3 of the IHR (the International Health Regulations)," which the WHO says is a caution against "actions that promote stigma or discrimination," when conducting national response measures to the outbreak.[27]

A Washington Post staff photographer captured a snapshot of US President Donald Trump's speech notes in which he had crossed out the word "coronavirus" and replaced it with the words "Chinese virus."[28][29] Trump referred to coronavirus as "Chinese virus" in his speeches amidst growing protests of racism from different quarters. However, he stated that he does not believe his statements were racist because the virus originated there, and he also stated that he was intending to counter Chinese propaganda which claimed that American soldiers originally brought the virus to China.[29][30]

India has seen many cases of people from its north-east parts being called 'coronavirus' because of their racial similarities to the people of China, the country where the pandemic originated.[31] This is in the backdrop of existing problems of racism that people from these regions continue to face.[32] Indian government's Minister for State for Minority Affairs, Kiren Rijiju made a statement against the increasing instances of racist comments against the people of North-east India.[33]

On 1 May 2020, the Malaysian authorities mustered and detained nearly 586 undocumented migrants in a raid conducted in Kuala Lumpur. The detained migrants included young children as well as ethnic Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, amidst the rise in xenophobia. The move was condemned by the United Nations, which urged Malaysia to avoid such detentions and release the children, warning that the overcrowded detention centres will be highly vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic.[34]

In June 2020, a report in the United Kingdom highlighted that ethnic minorities are at a higher risk of losing their lives due to COVID-19. On 5 June, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) announced to launch a statutory inquiry into racial inequalities, which have been exposed amidst the coronavirus outbreak in the UK. The human rights watchdog's investigation was to provide evidence-based information, compelled from government departments and organizations.[35]


People have reported experiencing social stigma after recovering from the illness.[36] Some healthcare workers caring for individuals with COVID-19 have also reported experiencing mental health difficulties due to the fear of being stigmatized by their family and community.[37]


On 17 April 2020, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities issued a document called "Streamlining diversity: COVID-19 measures that support social cohesion".[38] The document included recommendations to the OSCE participating States were included on how the governmental responses to COVID-19 could ensure inclusiveness and be sensitive to social diversity. Key principles included: upholding human rights, being inclusive and sensitive to language needs, and also maintaining zero tolerance for discrimination and xenophobia.[39]

Freedom of information[edit]

Suppression of information[edit]

Amnesty International reports that the Chinese government has censored numerous articles related to coronavirus pandemic in China. Nicholas Bequelin, Regional Director at Amnesty International has criticized that "the Chinese authorities risk withholding information that could help the medical community tackle the coronavirus and help people protect themselves from being exposed to it".[1]

Freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention[edit]

Activists sharing information about the coronavirus pandemic situation in China were intimidated and harassed.[40][1] In the United States, the Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States.[41]

On May 15, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet warned that the emergency powers and lockdowns imposed amidst the coronavirus pandemic has been exploited by some governments. Taking advantage of the situation, these governments were attempting to silence the dissidents and to curb the political foes, human rights defenders and journalists. She also stated that the response to the crisis should be "driven by science-based facts", rather than politics or the economy.[42]

Freedom of movement[edit]

Border control and quarantine[edit]


Border service of Turkmenistan received an online training on "management of border crossing points (BCP) in the context of the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic".[43] The event was organized by OSCE Centre in Ashgabat together with WHO Country Office in Turkmenistan, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Ministry of Healthcare, and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.[43]


The Australian government sent hundreds of Australians to an immigration detention centre on Christmas island, where the conditions were previously described as "inhumane" by the Australian Medical Association.[44][1]

Freedom of assembly[edit]

Lock down restrictions influenced the expression of freedom of assembly by imposing a limit of people that could meet at each gathering or banning any gathering.

Freedom of religion[edit]

Lockdown restrictions in certain countries imposed limit of practitioners attending a religious ceremony.

In the same time, in certain countries the authorities allowed the sound of Muslim calls from prayers to be heard from minarets during the Ramadan. In Austria, Poland, France and a few other European countries, the authorities imposed face covering as protective measure, while a few years later denied the right to cover the face by Muslim women who wished to do so as part of the religious clothing.

Right to privacy[edit]

Governments in many countries have been conducting mass surveillance in order to carry out contact tracing of the disease spread and its carriers.[45] In China, government installed CCTV at the doors of quarantined individuals to ensure that they don't leave.[46] Some residents in Hong Kong were made to wear a wrist-band linked to a smartphone app for alerting the authorities if the person broke quarantine.[47] In some parts of India, passengers were stamped with indelible ink on their hands, the date until the person should remain in quarantine.[48]

On May 13, 2020, Human Rights Watch reported that mobile location tracking applications that governments around the globe are using to counter Covid-19 crisis, pose human rights risk. The rights group alleged that the utility of such programs was still questionable and with easy access to user's geopolitical location and proximity information, disproportionate surveillance can threaten their personal privacy.[49] On May 18, 2020, the Scottish Human Rights Commission wrote a letter to Holyrood's Justice Committee highlighting the grave conditions inside Scotland prisons during the pandemic. In its letter, the commission argued that the present status could lead to inhumane treatment of inmates, which is in breach of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. “People in prison are likely to be more vulnerable to the risks and impacts of COVID-19. Closed conditions of detention make social distancing virtually impossible; many prisoners are currently living together in cells designed for one person; and prisoners are spending more time in their cells with no possibility of receiving a visit from their family,” said Judith Robertson, chair of the commission.[50]

On 1 July 2020, human rights organization and the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) sent an open letter to the Indonesian government to issue a regulation on its COVID-19 contact tracing efforts, including on the data collected and how the data should be treated to protect privacy of individuals.[51]

Violations in prisons[edit]

On 10 April 2020, footage shared by Amnesty International revealed that detainees in a Cambodian prison are living in “inhumane conditions." With at least 25 prisoners lying on the floor of a single small cell, the prison is claimed to be extremely overcrowded and violates physical distancing requirements. It has been called a "ticking time bomb, especially during the coronavirus outbreak."[52]

The quarantine measures amidst the coronavirus pandemic severed the conditions in the unsanitary and overcrowded detention centers of Latin America. The unavailability of food, which is usually provided by the relatives of inmates, led to a new set of upheaval in a Venezuelan prison, inside the Los Llanos Penitentiary Centre (CEPELLA) in Guanare. The eruption of riot inside the prison killed at least 46 prisoners and injured over 70, including a national guard officer and a warden.[53] Human rights groups, including the Amnesty International, called for the investigation and analyzation of the authorities’ deadly response.[54]

On May 19, 2020, 20 Human rights organizations sent a letter to the President of Tanzania John Magufuli requesting to take necessary steps to tackle COVID-19 situation in the congested prisons and also urged to ensure that the prisoners and detainees have proper access to lawyer. The organizations that sent the letter includes, Legal and Human Rights Center in Dar es Salaam, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.[55]

On June 10, 2020, the Human Rights Watch called out the authorities in UAE to take urgent action ensuring the safety of prisoners in at least 3 detention centers amid COVID-19 pandemic. The relatives of the prisoners at al-Wathba prison, al-Awir prison and new al-Barsha detention center, informed the HRW that some of the prisoners who were tested positive with coronavirus and many prisoners with chronic health conditions were denied proper medical aid. The prisons are overcrowded and the authorities have not maintained hygiene and proper sanitation, worsening the spread of the virus.[56]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Here are seven ways the coronavirus affects human rights". Retrieved 13 March 2020.
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  8. ^ Hume, Mike. "Plague Inc removed from China App Store". Washington Post.
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  13. ^ Ayla Jean Yackley (6 April 2020). "Turkey builds more hospitals as coronavirus cases spike". Al Monitor.
  14. ^ "Turkey plans prisoner release, excluding those jailed on post-coup terrorism charges". Reuters. 7 April 2020.
  15. ^ "Turkey: Imprisoned journalists, human rights defenders and others, now at risk of Covid-19, must be urgently released". Amnesty International. Retrieved 30 March 2020.
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  17. ^ "Turkmenistan government outlaws any mention of the word 'coronavirus'". 31 March 2020.
  18. ^ Koetsier, John (17 March 2020). "Facebook Deleting Coronavirus Posts, Leading To Charges Of Censorship". Forbes.
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  20. ^ Qin, Amy (2 February 2020). "Coronavirus Pummels Wuhan, a City Short of Supplies and Overwhelmed". The New York Times.
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  37. ^ Samuel, Sigal (26 March 2020). "Doctors and nurses are risking their mental health for us". Vox. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
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  44. ^ "Virus evacuees criticise Australia quarantine plan". BBC News. 31 January 2020. Retrieved 13 March 2020.
  45. ^ "Governments Should Respect Rights in COVID-19 Surveillance". Human Rights Watch. 2 April 2020. Retrieved 2 April 2020.
  46. ^ Kharpal, Arjun (26 March 2020). "Use of surveillance to fight coronavirus raises concerns about government power after pandemic ends". CNBC. Retrieved 31 March 2020.
  47. ^ Saiidi, Uptin (18 March 2020). "Hong Kong is putting electronic wristbands on arriving passengers to enforce coronavirus quarantine". CNBC. Retrieved 31 March 2020.
  48. ^ "Privacy fears as India hand stamps suspected coronavirus cases". Reuters. 20 March 2020. Retrieved 31 March 2020.
  49. ^ "Covid-19 Apps Pose Serious Human Rights Risks". Human Rights Watch. Retrieved 13 May 2020.
  50. ^ "Human rights campaigners concerned by 'inhuman treatment' in Scotland's prisons". Morning Star. Retrieved 18 May 2020.
  51. ^ "Human rights groups urge privacy protection in COVID-19 contact tracing efforts". The Jakartapost. Retrieved 1 July 2020.
  52. ^ "Cambodia: Exclusive footage reveals deplorable prison conditions". Amnesty International. Retrieved 10 April 2020.
  53. ^ "Riot in Venezuela prison kills at least 40 and injures 50, including warden". The Guardian. Retrieved 2 May 2020.
  54. ^ "Venezuela: Massacre at Guanare detention centre must not go unpunished". Amnesty International. Retrieved 2 May 2020.
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  56. ^ "UAE: Reported Covid-19 Prison Outbreaks". Human Rights Watch. Retrieved 10 June 2020.

External links[edit]