


Residents of the Koneurgench, Akdepe, Boldumsaz, Ruhubelent, Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etraps and Koneurgench city!

 We inform you that from September 1, 2019, to obtain a biometric passport of a citizen of Turkmenistan, it is necessary to apply to the department of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan of Dashoguz velayat in Koneurgench city.

Adres: Dashoguz velayat, Koneurgench city, yagtylyk st. 8.

Telefon   : +993 (347) 3-67-49.

You can apply for a TKM national travel passport online
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly BERDYMUHAMEDOV
State Migration Service of Turkmenistan
Documents of Turkmenistan, corresponding ICAO standards.
Ashgabat International Airport
Ashgabat International Airport
Migration control
Service news
Ashgabat, st. Bitarap Turkmenistan 18. Phone: +993 (12) 38-00-11
Mary velayat
Mary province, Mary city, str. Mollanepes, Building 9. Phone: +993 (522) 6-96-90
Lebap velayat
Lebap province, gengeshlik Boyrabap district of Chardzhev, village Hodzhamirsen Str. Ceyhun, 2. Phone: +993 (422) 2-08-10
Akhal velayat
Akhal province, of Anau Akbugday district of st. Vellekova named Charles, 16. Phone.: +993 (137) 33-4-80
Balkan velayat
Balkans province, the Balkanabat Str. named after Annaev, Apt. 146/42. Phone: +993 (222) 6-02-68
Dashoguz velayat
Dashoguz province, Dashoguz, ul. Al-Khwarizmi, 20. Phone.: +993 (322) 9-31-56
Schedule for the reception of citizens
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
Reception of citizens carried at migration offices in Ashgabat and velayats:
9:00-12:00, 15:00-17:00
About us

State Migration Service of Turkmenistan is a government agency

that provides control of the migration system of Turkmenistan, the state policy in the field of migration, adherence to international agreements of Turkmenistan on migration.

The service was established by Presidential Decree of 21 February 2003 under the number 6133, the name of which was the "State Service of Turkmenistan for Registration of Foreign Citizens".

Learn more
Get advice on any your question within the competence of Turkmenistan State Migration Service, send us a message
