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Family Data Sharing

Share your plan with your family and save.

For a limited time: save $10/mo. for every member you add to your plan. The more you add, the more you save compared to each person having an individual plan.+

Save a total of $10/mo.
When you have 2 members on the account

Save a total of $20/mo.
When you have 3 members on the account

Save a total of $30/mo.
When you have 4 members on the account

Every additional family member added after 4 saves an extra $10/mo.

Get started
Add a family member or device to your current plan for as little as $15/ month to start sharing data and saving today. You can share with family members or devices.

Add a tablet

Whether you buy a tablet from Bell or bring your own, you can share data with your tablet.

From $1000 par month

(+) Current as of February 6, 2020. Available with new activation when adding additional lines (excluding Business, Tablet and Mobile Internet plans). There must be a primary subscriber activated on the account with a Connect Everything plan and at least one subscriber on the account with shareable data.

(*) Current as of September 13, 2018. With new activation on a Smartwatch rate plan. Applied as a credit to the rate plan. Then regular rate applies thereafter.

Maximum quantity reached
You’ve reached the maximum quantity allowed for this item. If you still need more, you can place another order after finishing this one, or you can call 1 888 466-2453.