CORCAN logo and it's motto - Quality from the inside out – as well as photos that represent CORCAN's different business lines such as construction, manufacturing and textiles.

CORCAN Catalogue

CORCAN has launched its new online catalogue! Check out the easy-to-use platform to view products and services available, submit inquiries, request quotes and learn more about CORCAN programs. View it here.

Smartpods workstation


Check out CORCAN’s latest product, Smartpods workstation. Smartpods are the first and only “active motion workstation” that move up, down, in and out at preset rates and times to improve whole body health without disrupting the user’s work. Read more.

Offender Mohan fixing a pair of glasses

Putting Things in Focus

Inmates in a new CORCAN program at Fenbrook Institution are helping their fellow inmates get some focus in their lives. They work in the only state-of-the-art eyewear lab in Canada run by offenders. Read more.

CORCAN is a key rehabilitation program of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). It contributes to safe communities by providing offenders with employment and employability skills training while incarcerated in federal penitentiaries, and for brief periods of time, after they are released into the community. This is done through on-the-job and third-party certified vocational training that focuses on our four business lines:

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Textiles
  3. Construction
  4. Services

CORCAN's work supports the social policy of the Government of Canada to safely reintegrate offenders into society in a way that promotes their success as Canadian citizens.