Information current

July 23, 2020

We're in Phase 2 of lifting COVID-19 restrictions. If you have non-medical questions, email or phone 1-877-374-0425.

For medical questions or if you feel ill, phone 811, or launch the COVID-19 self-assessment tool.

Find the Respiratory Assessment Centre

When the centre is open

The Respiratory Assessment Centre is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Who should go to the centre and when

The centre is for people who:

  • are experiencing respiratory illnesses; or
  • have flu-like symptoms.

Get a referral to the clinic

This is not a walk-in clinic. You need a referral. For a referral, phone:

  • 811;
  • your family physician;
  • your community heath centre; or
  • Whitehorse General Hospital.

Where to find the centre

49A Waterfront Place in Whitehorse. The centre is in the same building as the Motor Vehicles office, across the parking lot from Boston Pizza. 

Phone 867-393-3083 for an appointment. 

If you have another health concern

Book an appointment with your health clinic or phone 811.