Support for Yukon businesses

The Government of Yukon is supporting Yukon’s business community through its regular funding programs and services while taking steps to minimize the risk of COVID-19.

We're also in continual contact with business and industry stakeholders, other affected Yukon government departments, and partner organizations to share information and coordinate an economic response.

We know Yukoners have questions and concerns and we're here to help. There's a lot of different information on a variety of programs at different levels of government. Our staff will help you during these difficult times.

Contact us here


As a result of impacts of COVID-19, foreign nationals working in Yukon through the Yukon Nominee Program will not be required to meet the standard requirement of full-time work hours.

Yukon nominees who experience layoffs or reduced work hours will not be issued the standard 90-day notice to find new employment. This change will remain in effect for the duration of the public health emergency.

We know you may have questions or concerns and we are here to help. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding this or other immigration issues at.

E-mail or phone 867-667-5131, toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5131.

All other business and economic support inquiries

E-mail or phone 867-456-3803, toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 3803.

What Yukon's doing

Stimulus package and initiatives to support Yukon businesses and workers

Premier Sandy Silver announced that the Government of Yukon is developing the details of a stimulus package for Yukon businesses and workers.

We will provide more information as we develop and launch these programs, which will include:

  • Business Advisory Council to monitor and advise on the economic impacts of COVID-19.
  • Paid sick leave rebate to allow Yukon workers without sick leave to stay at home if they are sick or are required to self-isolate.
  • Events grant to cover irretrievable losses related to perishable goods and cancellation of accommodation and services as a result of major events cancelled due to this developing situation.
  • Economic impact tracking mechanisms established with the Department of Tourism and Culture and industry organizations.
  • Monthly sectoral surveys to gather information on the business impacts of COVID-19 here in Yukon.
  • Yukon Nominee Program: program criteria has changed to address concerns around nominee status for those nominees who may experience layoff or reduced hours.

Read the press release about new financial support for Yukon businesses and workers.

Read the press release about the stimulus package.

Read the press release about the Business Advisory Council.


What Canada's doing

The Government of Canada announced an economic stimulus package and measures on March 18, 2020 for businesses and Canadians.

Financial resources for businesses

Business Credit Availability Program

Under the federal government’s new Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP), Export Development Canada (EDC) and the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) can now provide over $10 billion of additional financing to customers facing economic challenges caused by COVID-19.

The program helps Canadian businesses in all sectors and regions gain access to credit through EDC, BDC and private sector lenders.

Read the news release.

BDC special support for entrepreneurs impacted by COVID-19 also includes:

Employment and Social Development Canada

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has special measures that will provide temporary flexibility in programs until March 14, 2021. Find information on programs including:

  • Employment Insurance;
  • Work-Sharing Program (specific cases); and
  • Occupational Health and Safety.

Visit ESDC’s website.

Regional Development Agencies

Canada’s 6 Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) have been given more tools and flexibility to help local businesses deal with economic difficulties.

They will help local businesses deal with the immediate impact of COVID-19 on their operations by allowing, for example:

  • deferred repayment;
  • advance payments; or
  • reimbursement of legitimate claims.

The RDAs will reallocate marketing efforts to support local and regional tourism. They take into account the latest advice from health agencies.

Visit Canada’s RDA web page on COVID-19.

Read the RDA information brochure.

Flexibility for businesses filing taxes

The Canada Revenue Agency will allow all businesses to defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after March 18, 2020 and before September 2020. Please visit the website for more information.

Information resources

Public Health Agency of Canada

Find current travel advisories for Canadian and international locations.

Global Affairs Canada

Macroeconomic measures

What your business can do

Use these resources from trusted sources.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Canadian Payroll Association

World Health Organization

Center for Disease Control (USA)