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4 hours ago

5 Ways Being Alone Is A Good Thing

We can see being alone as being miserable and waste the time complaining and binge-ing. Or, we can see being alone as the gift of quiet time, as an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate our own company, and to get to know ourselves better. Here are five ways you can “welcome” being alone:
5 hours ago

Supply Chain Resiliency Begins In The Cloud

As our lives and work continue to adjust, it’s important to retain the many lessons the pandemic has taught us and think about how we can build more resilient supply chains.
7 hours ago

Four Tips For Leading In This Moment

Leaders need to be able to effectively communicate their business’ overarching ‘why’ in this moment. To be able to explain ‘This is why your work matters, essentially this is why you matter’. The ‘why’ may be evolving right now, so this discussion needs to be ongoing.