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Our commitment to universal access to medical research

The Lancet is committed to achieving universal access to medical research information in the world’s most resource-poor countries, and our collaboration with Research4Life is central to that ongoing effort.

Our view is that any country designated as “low human development” by the UN justifies a clear and unambiguous editorial commitment to full and free access to research, regardless of location of the reader. We therefore ensure that all content published in The Lancet family of journals is made freely available online to all readers in all Research4Life-eligible countries.

What is Research4Life?

Research4Life is the collective name for five programmes—Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI, and GOALI— that provides low-income and middle-income countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed publications online.

Hinari, launched in 2002, is the programme that provides access to major journals in the biomedical and related social sciences fields.

Eligibility for access to Research4Life

Institutions in two lists of countries, areas, and territories (Group A and Group B) are eligible to join Research4Life based on seven factors:

Eligible categories of institutions are: national universities, professional schools (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and dentistry), research institutes, teaching hospitals, health-care centres, government offices, national medical libraries, and local non-governmental organisations. All staff members and students are entitled to access the information resources.

Visit the Research4Life website for full details of eligibility

Open access article processing charges

For authors of accepted research articles who choose the “gold” open access option there is an associated article processing charge upon acceptance. Authors whose main funder is located either in group A or B countries of the Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) or in a country with a low UNDP human development index will be exempt from payment. For authors with no formal funding, the country of origin of the majority of authors' institutions will be taken as the source country. If there is no majority country, the corresponding author's country will be so designated.

The editorial decision to accept is taken well before any request is made as to the ability to pay. Payments are processed by a department unconnected to The Lancet’s editorial department.

Contact information:

Research4Life: [email protected]
Hinari: [email protected]
