Review Article
COVID-19 pathophysiology: A review


In general, children are less susceptible to severe CODIV-19 than elder patients.

Severe COVID-19 adult patients showed higher proinflammatory markers with the presence of pathological T cells.

The dissection of immune response to COVID-19 in children is necessary given limited data on this topic.


In December 2019, a novel coronavirus, now named as SARS-CoV-2, caused a series of acute atypical respiratory diseases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The disease caused by this virus was termed COVID-19. The virus is transmittable between humans and has caused pandemic worldwide. The number of death tolls continues to rise and a large number of countries have been forced to do social distancing and lockdown. Lack of targeted therapy continues to be a problem. Epidemiological studies showed that elder patients were more susceptible to severe diseases, while children tend to have milder symptoms. Here we reviewed the current knowledge about this disease and considered the potential explanation of the different symptomatology between children and adults.

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