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Imagine a world in which everyone can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That is our commitment. 📸: Volodymyr Burdiak, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Joined October 2009


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  1. 17 hours ago

    When African-American former slave Jordan Anderson was asked to come back and work for his old master, he replied with a deadpan letter asking for 52 years of back pay as proof of good faith.

    Jordan Anderson in 1865
  2. 23 hours ago

    Let's correct the record: lemmings do not deliberately jump off cliffs together.

  3. May 27

    Perhaps you're more familiar with its cinematic equivalent: the Mexican standoff.

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  4. May 27

    It's a truel! A variety of forms of truels have been studied in game theory.

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  5. May 27

    What's the name for a duel between three opponents? (Answer's in the thread.)

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  6. Retweeted
    May 26

    Wikipedia in general is a wonder of the internet

  7. May 27
    wo bulls scrabble for footing, sending mud flying everywhere, as they race down a rice field. Behind them, a solitary man is holding onto their tails for dear life.
  8. May 26

    The message was intended to be the word "login," but the ARPANET connection crashed in the middle. Hence, "lo."

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  9. May 26

    In 1969, "lo" was the first successful message sent on ARPANET by UCLA student programmer Charley Kline.

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  10. May 26


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  11. May 26

    Several animals have received university degrees ... ... from fraudulent diploma mills.

    A diploma awarded to a cat
  12. May 26

    In Europe, Budweiser is Bud. In the United States, Budweiser is Czechvar. Confused? Wikipedia's got your back:

  13. May 25

    Ever heard of the "butt fumble"?

  14. May 25

    A child: "I'm hungry" A father: "Hi, Hungry, I'm Dad."

  15. May 24

    Can't get that melody out of your head? Earworms are usually 15 to 30 seconds in length and are more common in those with an interest in music.

  16. May 24

    Snow leopards' tails are thick due to fat storage and are very thickly covered with fur. This allows them to be used like a blanket to protect their faces when asleep.

    A snow leopard
  17. May 23

    Indian Railways runs the world's fourth-largest railroad network. As of 2016, the system employed 1.3 million people, making it the world's eighth-largest employer, and ran more than 20,000 passenger trains every day.

    A WDP-4B locomotive standing at New Jalpaigudi
  18. May 23

    Cats may have developed purring as an evolutionary advantage.

  19. May 23

    The Knights of Malta once tried to colonize the Americas. It didn't go well. Here's why:

  20. May 22

    Katabatic winds, propelled by the force of gavity, can rush down elevated slopes at *hurricane* speeds. Learn more:

    Katabatic winds in Antarctica

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