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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Boris Johnson 'had a great conversation' with Biden

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he had a "great conversation" with US President-Elect Joe Biden.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: Johnson on virus vaccine: ‘anti-vax’ argument is ‘total nonsense’

    Eligible people should get a vaccine against Covid-19 says the prime minister, who has “no inhibitions” about getting one.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Covid: 'He's subdued, he's unhappy, he's sad'

    Neil Bamsey has learning difficulties and does not understood why he cannot see his family.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Starmer and Johnson on Covid contracts with private sector

    Government spending on contracts with private companies to fight Covid are questioned by the Labour leader.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Starmer and Johnson debate virus help for self-employed

    Millions of self-employed people are “desperately waiting” to hear how government will help them financially, the Labour leader says.

  6. Video content

    Video caption: PMQs: Blackford and Johnson on universal credit levels

    The PM is asked to commit to making the temporary £20 rise in universal credit permanent by the SNP Westminster leader.

  7. Plaid Cymru welcomes Christmas travel plan after 'difficult term'

    Helen Mary Jones

    Plaid Cymru's spokeswoman for post-16 education Helen Mary Jones has said the Christmas travel plan for students will be "welcome news" for them and their families after a difficult term.

    The plan involves rapid asymptomatic testing kits for students to take just before they go home to catch any Covid cases from being taken back to students' home towns.

    “Asymptomatic testing is key," Ms Jones said.

    "It must be done efficiently, quickly and universally with all universities participating in the scheme to be successful."

    However, she noted that it was "not yet clear" if all universities would be offering such tests.

    “Support must also be given to those students who might not be able to go home for Christmas," Ms Jones added.

    “However, Wales needs not just a clear plan for allowing students home for Christmas but also comprehensive guidance on their return to university in the New Year – including ensuring remote and blended learning to ensure their safety."