

Sustainable development is an integral part of our mission and vision. Beyond the realization of our infrastructure projects, our commitment extends to the management of our organization and our concern to generate a positive impact for the community.

The year 2015-2016 marked the development of our sustainable development approach so that it is more systemic and integrated. We have adopted a sustainable development policy and a strategy, based on four criteria our commitments; our implementation programs, our performance measurement capabilities; and our reporting practices, for advancement and eight themes. This allowed us to develop a first five-year action plan (2016-2021) to consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of how we conduct our business and manage our assets.

  • Responsible governance ans strategy

    As a Crown corporation and an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada, we recognize the important responsibility we have to lead by example and live up to the high standards of good corporate governance and business ethics. This is why we are focused on ensuring responsible governance, risk management, transparent reporting practices and ethical conduct in all aspects of our business.


    + Established a multi-functional Sustainability Committee with Executive Senior Management members and managers from different departments to provide direction on the implementation of the Sustainability Plan

    + Refined our corporate mission to include our sustainability commitment