Export assistance program

The Export Assistance Program provides financial support to distribution companies having acquired exploitation rights of eligible Canadian feature films in selected foreign territories.

Who can apply

Companies specializing in theatrical distribution who have acquired the rights to exploit an eligible project in one or more of the eligible territories set out in the Program guidelines and who are responsible of the effective exploitation of the project on these territories.

Overview of the program

  • Eligible distribution companies that have acquired an eligible Canadian project could receive financial support to cover costs relating to the promotional campaign for the theatrical release of the project (eg: creation of a new trailer, advertising and marketing costs, travel expenses, subtitling, etc.). A full list of eligible costs is provided in the Eligible Costs Matrix below
  •  The combined maximum assistance per eligible project is $90,000

Overview of the eligibility requirements

Eligible applicants

All applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • be a company specializing in film distribution, excluding a sales agent
  • own the rights to exploit an eligible project in one or more of the eligible territories set out in the guidelines
  • have paid a minimum guarantee for the acquisition of the rights of the project on the eligible territories
  • be responsible for the effective exploitation of the project in all of the eligible territories for which the applicant is applying (the applicant cannot apply for funding in a territory that will be sub-distributed by a third party)
  • have developed a marketing plan for the project in the eligible territories
  • have committed to theatrically release the project within the upcoming year in the eligible territories to which the applicant is applying

Eligible Projects

To be considered eligible, projects must be Canadian feature films that have received production assistance from Telefilm Canada and that were not theatrically released in the eligible territories for which the distribution company is applying.

Distribution companies must be able to carry out the effective exploitation of the eligible Canadian project  in one of the following eligible territories:

  • Argentina, Australia, Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States.

Please see the guidelines for the complete description of the eligibility criteria applicable for this Program.

Latest updates

November 29, 2018


A new version of the Export Assistance Program guidelines is  available.

July 16, 2018


A new version of the Export Assistance Program guidelines is  available.

July 16, 2018

Updated documents

New versions of the  FAQ, List of required documents, Eligible Costs Matrix, Final Audience Performance Report and Declaration – Final Costs are now available.

The program is now closed.

Key dates

No key dates for the moment. Come back later!

Contact persons

Atlantic region

Raluca Tuturman

Phone : 438-469-1190
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890


Raluca Tuturman

Phone : 438-469-1190
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Ontario and Nunavut

Lucie Meynial

Phone : 647-475-4870
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Risa Veffer

Phone : 647-475-4899
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Western region

Randall Jason Fox

Phone : 778-309-1772
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Judith MacInnes

Phone : 778.309.1777
Toll free : 1-800-567-0890