Success Index

In 2001, the Canadian feature film policy began a decade of measuring the success of Canadian films based on their performance at the box office. As the years went by, however, it became evident that the Canadian films that received critical acclaim and won awards were not necessarily the ones e arning big box office numbers in theatres.

In 2010, Telefilm implemented a new measurement framework that aimed to integrate additional relevant components to better assess the full impact of its feature film investments, beyond box-office.


Launched in November 2011, Telefilm’s Success Index is a benchmark that has been established to measure the overall performance of projects Telefilm finances over a one-year period (calendar year). As such it provides a snapshot of the success of the film portfolio funded by Telefilm during the course of a year.

Telefilm’s Success Index is a comprehensive measure that takes three types of success into account: commercial, cultural and industrial. Using 2010 as the baseline year, this key performance indicator evaluates changes in the overall success of the films Telefilm funds from year to year.

Updates for the 2020-2021 fiscal year

Please note that due to the negative impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian feature film industry, Telefilm Canada is suspending any further use of the Success Index for the 2020-2021 fiscal year (as of August 31, 2020)

What is the Success Index?

Results over the past years

For more information on the Success Index results please consult our annual reports.