EVISE and EES are decommissioned

Last updated on January 14, 2021

EVISE and EES are decommissioned

Last updated on January 14, 2021

Why am I being redirected to this page on the Elsevier Journal Support Hub?

You have been redirected here because you have used an EES or EVISE link. As of mid-January 2021, both the EES and EVISE submission systems have been decommissioned and journals on these platforms have moved to Editorial Manager (EM).

What do I do next?

You have logged in to the journals’ EM submission site previously

To access your specific journal EM site, visit the ‘Login to Editorial Manager’ site on the Elsevier Author Hub and enter the journal name in the 'Journal title' bar. This will direct you to the journal’s EM login page, where you can log in with your username and password.

You are logging in to the journal’s EM site for the first time

If you are logging in to EM for the first time you will need to create a new password.

First, to access your specific journal EM site, visit the ‘Login to Editorial Manager’ site on the Elsevier Author Hub and enter the journal name in the 'Journal title' bar. This will direct you to the journal’s EM login page.

On this page, please click on the 'Send Login Details' link and fill out your email address that you used as your username for the former EES/EVISE submission site. Then follow the instructions in the password reset email that you will receive.

Once you have reset your password, you should be able to locate and work on your pending submissions, review invitations, reviews, or other assignments.

Below you will find additional EM FAQs per user role.

All users

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