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Global Burden of Disease


GBD Introduction

Welcome to the Lancet Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Resource Centre, bringing together the most comprehensive data and analysis of worldwide trends in global health, published across the Lancet family of journals. All GBD content published with the Lancet journals is Open Access, making them free to read and download online.


About the Global Burden of Disease

About GBD

The GBD study offers a powerful resource to understand the changing health challenges facing people across the world in the 21st century. Led by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), the GBD study is the most comprehensive worldwide observational epidemiological study to date. By tracking progress within and between countries GBD provides an important tool to inform clinicians, researchers, and policy makers, promote accountability, and improve lives worldwide.

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2019 204
latest global data countries and territories
369 87
diseases and injuries risk factors

Latest GBD special issue

GBD Special Issue

  • Published in October 2020, The Lancet’s special issue on GBD includes the most up-to-date global health data from 2019 with the latest analysis focused on five key themes: demographics, diseases and injuries, risk factors, population forecasting, and universal health coverage.

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Search all GBD content

Throughout the year, the Lancet family of journals publish GBD papers exploring global trends in health outcomes, in-depth analyses of diseases, injuries, or risk factors, or country-specific analyses of population health, as well as expert commentary. Search all GBD content published by the Lancet journals here.

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GBD cause and risk summaries

GBD Summaries

  • The latest GBD special issue includes a unique resource of 450+ cause and risk summaries of worldwide trends in disease, injury, impairments, and health risks, based on 2019 GBD data.

GBD data visualisations

GBD Visualisation 1

Explore the GBD data tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

GBD Visualisation 2

Explore the latest data about the world's health from 1990 to 2019.

Featured infographics

GBD Infographic 1

A visual overview of the 2019 GBD findings, with implications for policy and actions to take.

GBD Infographic 2

Visualisations of global, regional, and national population projections over the next century.

GBD Infographics View More