Novel Coronavirus — November 27, 2020 Update: Explore Scouts Canada’s actions as we continue to follow the direction of government and health agencies in maintaining public health. View recommendations and stay informed here.

About: Overview

Nature is a Scouts playground. A place to discover new things and embark on great adventures. A place where youth gain leadership skills by leading their peers on meaningful outdoor adventures.

Kids in Scouts have fun adventures discovering new things and experiences they wouldn’t have elsewhere. Along the way, kids develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world.

Through a youth-led program, Scouts pave their own path to outdoor adventure and fun; selecting and planning the activities they want to pursue; surrounded by committed and passionate Scouters who create a safe and inclusive environment.

Along the way Scouts develop the skills, values and character that will guide them through every future adventure, at every stage a life. The perfect place for kids to be kids, memories are made and friendship are forged through the countless campfires, hikes and overnight camps.

Scouts is the start of something great.
It starts with Scouts.


Scouts builds leaders and prepares Canada’s young people for future success through a youth-led program where they take on challenges that help develop their abilities to think critically, to plan, to innovate and; to use information in an original way. Rooted in the Scout law, youth are taught to be positive and trustworthy; embracing values like kindness and acceptance to make meaningful contributions to creating a better world.

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Youth Impact

For over 100 years, Scouts have grabbed onto new challenges and experienced countless “firsts” through outdoor adventure and fun- at home and abroad. At the same, Scouting youth have expressed a strong sense of civic responsibility and environmental awareness. From food and clothing drives to shoreline clean ups and maintenance, Scouts encourages youth to give back. Contributing to communities across the country, Scouts help build a better Canada as active citizens creating positive change.

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  • Who We Are
  • Who We Are

    One Mission-impacting Scouts Canada Team

    Scouts Canada’s vibrant community extends across the country. Youth from all provinces benefit from the great adventure of Scouting. The Key 3 management model helps Scouts Canada to maintain and expand the reach of our program. That is, youth, volunteers and staff provide leadership at every level of Scouts Canada, from Sections to the National Council, ensuring an inclusive approach to growing the Scout Movement in Canada. By incorporating all involved, we can build an engaged team committed to our Mission.


    National Key 3

    Andrew Price 

    Executive Commissioner and CEO

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    Annabelle Loder

    National Youth Commissioner

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    Tim Welch

    National Commissioner

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  • Youth-Led
  • Youth-Led

    Through Youth-led programming, young people gain leadership skills by leading their peers on meaningful adventures. Scouts Canada’s program encourages youth to lead, while adult volunteer Scouters facilitate. Setting their own goals, creating organized plans to achieve these goals, and collectively reflecting on their experiences and personal development are ways in which youth lead the program.

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  • 5 Priorities
  • 5 Priorities for Success

    At Scouts Canada, our Mission is to help develop well-rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world. We do this by enabling thousands of young Canadians to engage in safe, youth-led, adventurous programs in hundreds of communities across this great country.

    In order for Scouting in Canada to be as impactful as possible, we have identified five key areas of focus and associated measures of success that continue to guide our work.

  • Careers
  • Careers

    At Scouts Canada we help youth develop into well rounded individuals better prepared for success in the world. We’re looking for hard-working, passionate and fun people to help us make an impact on young Canadians as they embark on the great adventure of Scouting.

    Our employees play a key role in achieving this vision while making a difference in the lives of Scouting youth nation- wide.

    Scouts is the start of something great.

    It starts with Scouts.

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  • FAQ
  • General FAQ

    Registration fees support the cost of delivering a quality Scouting program in communities across Canada, including:

    • Developing dynamic Scouting programs for youth,
    • Providing over 20,000 Volunteers with up-to-date training,
    • Maintaining high-quality camp facilities in each province, and,
    • Supporting Scouts Canada’s No One Left Behind program which reduces financial barriers for families in need.

    The true cost to support a robust Scouting program is significantly higher than the registration fee that we charge. This is where Scout Popcorn fundraising, retail sales through our Scout Shops, donations and sponsorships contribute towards keeping Scouting affordable.

    Scouting parents consistently give our programs high scores for value, and Scouting costs significantly less than many other youth activities. Add the fact that many Scouting Groups and camps are active year-round and the result is even greater value for dollar. Visit our Online Support Centre to learn more about how registration fees are utilized.

    Yes, Rover Scouts became co-ed in 1993, with all remaining Sections following in 1998.

    No, but you must have a basic spiritual belief. Spirituality has been one of the three main principles of Scouting around the world since its inception more than 100 years ago. Scouts Canada is proud of its commitment to diversity and welcomes members of many different faiths and denominations.

    You need not belong to an organized religion, but all members must take the Scout Promise in good faith and Scouters may include some form of spirituality in their program for the youth. “God” represents spirituality and for some may represent an actual deity, but it may also mean an expression of your personal spirituality.

    Yes, Scouts Canada does not discriminate for reasons of gender, culture, religious belief or sexual orientation.

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