Investing Newsletters


Market Says No Recession Yet

Controversy is swirling about the proper definition of recession. The more important question is whether the U.S. is in one. A market-based indicator, the spread-versus-Treasurys on high yield bonds, says the answer is no.

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16 hours ago

Bulls Win Another Reprieve

Now bulls they need to take back the 50-day moving average of the S&P 500. I doubt they will be successful. There is a world of difference between short covering rallies and broad-based, bullish advances.
Sep 8, 2022

Devon Energy Buy Write Takes Dividend Tomorrow

If DVN closes above $70 on October 21, we will be assigned and earn $6.45 per share (including the dividend) on $65.10 per share at risk, or 9.9%. Over a 43-day period, that would be an annualized return of 84.1%.
Sep 8, 2022

Bulls Finally Catch A Break

Violent short-covering rallies are common in bear markets. And given that the S&P 500 has been spiraling lower for nearly two weeks, a snapback was long overdue.