Big Data


Pegasus Spyware: Does Apple Have ‘Major’ iMessage Security Problems?

Apple has faith in its iMessage security, despite claims that Israeli spyware agency NSO Group’s tool has repeatedly cracked iPhone security using iOS’ own messaging system. Critics say Apple needs to copy what Facebook and Twitter do with message security.

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Nov 14, 2021

NVIDIA Envisions AI For Everything

NVIDIA’s GTC and SC21 show how specialized processors such as GPUs and DPUs are helping to incorporate AI capabilities into more applications, enabling digital twins of just about everything. Zettar, DDN and NVIDIA demonstrate 3 PB/day data movement with up to 8PB/day possible by Spring 2022.
Nov 8, 2021

If Data Was A Football Team

Organizations in every vertical industry are tasked with managing a living ‘data value chain’ and its movement throughout the business, so... the notion of a ball on the field being passed between various different players doesn’t seem too ridiculous.
Nov 3, 2021

Building The New Narrative For Data ‘Storytelling’

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Nov 1, 2021

Could Big Data Beat Our Opioid Crisis?

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Oct 28, 2021

DNA Storage Update

DNA holds great promise for very dense data storage. Current costs for writing and reading data from DNA are much higher than conventional storage technologies. If the decline in DNA costs is higher than other storage technologies it could become a competitor, particularly for archival storage.