History of the BBC

Explore the history of the BBC since its foundation in 1922 to the present day

Explore more than 100 years of the BBC’s history – click on our interactive timeline or investigate a topical anniversary, unpack the story of fascinating objects from our varied collections, or go in-depth via one of our long-form articles.

And tell us your memories of what the BBC means to you.

  • AnniversariesThe BBC Dance Orchestra, led by Jack Payne, made its first official broadcast on 12 March 1928. The band had proved its popularity as The Cecilians, occasionally broadcasting from the Hotel Cecil. Given the title Director of the BBC Dance Orchestra, Payne moved his 10-piece band to the studio at Savoy Hill.
  • Pioneering womenThis month marks International Women’s Day. Explore some stories of pioneering women at the BBC, from the early days of radio through voices of the Empire and Commonwealth, into popular music and variety, right up to top management. Part of the Voices of the BBC project, this collection features unique witness interviews with some of the women who were pushing the boundaries of what women could achieve at the BBC.
  • Objects of the BBCIt’s National Science and Engineering Week. A fitting time to remember the engineering innovations at the heart of the BBC story - from microphones to cameras to audio and video recorders. And not forgetting the iconic Testcard F, used to tune temperamental TV apparatus.
  • Faces of the BBCFloella Benjamin, Marin Alsop, Joan Bakewell, Cerrie Burnell, Michaela Coel… Just a few of the iconic women from our BBC Faces collection. Explore them here.
  • Voices of the BBCFrom the BBC Oral History Collection here are the key personalities, producers, and innovators that tell the inside story of the BBC.
  • TimelineOur timeline brings together a selection of the BBC's best-known programmes and an overview of some of the many milestones that have shaped the corporation over the years.
  • New Research for BBC 100BBC History collaborates with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), involving people in new research projects exploring the BBC’s impact over time, from health stories triggered by the drama Call the Midwife to the Asian community’s engagement with the BBC during the 1960s.
  • BBC ExhibitionsExplore 100 years of the history of the BBC in Wales with this new exhibition at the National Museum Cardiff. From its birth in the 1920s into a new digital age, discover how Wales has, and will continue, to contribute to the making of the BBC.
  • PlaquesThe BBC Heritage Trail brings together newly commissioned blue plaques and existing plaque schemes to celebrate the buildings used for broadcasting over the decades. Also featured are plaques installed as part of David Olusoga’s landmark series Black and British - A Forgotten History, and the BBC Music Day plaques created for BBC Local Radio.
  • Share Your MemoriesTell us about your favourite moments from BBC programmes and what they mean to you. With over 100 years of the BBC there's a lot to choose from, be it major news moments, international and national events, comedy, sport, natural history, science and technology, music, and the arts.