

Study Finds We’re Work Junkies – Working On Vacation, During Parental Leave, Even While Sick

The 2021 MyPerfectResume study surveyed 1012 professionals and revealed some stark findings. Increasingly, we're working when we're supposed to be on leave and some of us are actually taking vacation days specifically to get work done.

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IBM Links Re-Skilling With Real-World Opportunities

To accelerate its re-skilling and up-skilling efforts IBM announced a new partnership spanning 12 countries and with over 30 global organizationsfocused on improving underserved populations' skills and employability using the online learning program IBM SkillsBuild.
14 hours ago

Reentry Fear. It’s A Thing. How To Keep It In Check.

Given how the fear factor has ratcheted up over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, discerning between those legitimate fears which are serving us from those which aren’t – by stressing us out, keeping us stuck and making us less secure - is more important than ever.