Education Scotland

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Not to be confused with Education in Scotland.
Education Scotland
Foghlam Alba
Eddication Scotland
Education Scotland logo.png
Executive Agency overview
Formed 1 July 2011
Preceding agencies
Jurisdiction Scotland
Headquarters Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA
Motto Transforming lives through learning
Employees 281
Minister responsible
Executive Agency executive
  • Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive
Website Official website

Education Scotland (Scottish Gaelic: Foghlam Alba, Scots: Eddication Scotland) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government, tasked with improving the quality of the country's education system.


The creation of the Agency was announced by Scottish Government Education and Lifelong Learning Cabinet Minister Michael Russell on 14 October 2010.[1]

It was intended to bring to together the work and responsibilities of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education and Learning and Teaching Scotland and was originally entitled the Scottish Education Quality and Improvement Agency (SEQIA).

The name was later changed to Education Scotland and the agency was established under this name on July 1, 2011.[2]

On establishment Education Scotland also incorporated the Scottish Government Positive Behaviour Team, which aims to support Scottish schools and local authorities to introduce and embed approaches that promote positive relationships and behaviour, and the National CPD Team, which aims to provide strategic support for continuing professional development (CPD) and professional review throughout Scottish education.


Education Scotland's core purpose and strategic priorities are:

  • to lead and support successful implementation of the curriculum
  • to build the capacity of education providers and practitioners to improve their own performance
  • to promote high quality professional learning and leadership
  • to stimulate creativity and innovation
  • to provide independent evaluation on the quality of educational provision
  • to provide evidence-based advice to inform national policy
  • to develop its people and improve its organisational capability

Key areas of work[edit]

Evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching in Scottish schools and education services through Inspection and review of Scottish education

Provision of support and resources for learning and teaching via the Education Scotland online service.


  1. ^ Scottish Government. "Scottish Government News release announcing the creation of a new agency". Retrieved 3 August 2012. 
  2. ^ Times Educational Supplement Scotland. "Curriculum and inspection get ready to join hands". Times Educational Supplement. Retrieved 1 September 2012. 

External links[edit]

Official website