Search the Yukon First Nations Business Registry

Use the registry to search for Yukon First Nations businesses.

Search the Yukon First Nations Business Registry

What’s in the registry?

The Yukon First Nations business registry is a publicly accessible database of:

  • Yukon First Nations businesses; and
  • the goods or services they provide.

What’s the purpose of the registry?

The Yukon First Nations business registry provides:

  • a list of businesses, including what products and services they provide, for purchasers to use; and
  • information for businesses looking to partner and work with Yukon First Nations businesses.

How can I add my business?

If you’re the owner of a Yukon First Nations business, you can register your business to promote the goods or services you provide to:

  • government procurement authorities; and
  • other interested organizations.

Register your business.


Contact the Procurement Support Centre by email at or by calling 867-667-5385.