Learn about Yukon's carbon rebate

  • Who is eligible for a rebate in Yukon?
  • Rebates for Yukon individuals
  • Rebates for Yukon businesses
  • Rebates for Yukon placer- and quartz-mining operations
  • Rebates for First Nations and municipal governments
  • Learn about the federal price on pollution

A price on pollution is a federal initiative. Yukon's carbon rebate program ensures that all revenues are returned to Yukoners. Visit Climate change in Yukon to learn how you can reduce your emissions.

  1. Who is eligible for a rebate in Yukon?

    The following groups are eligible for the Yukon Government Carbon Price Rebate:

    • Yukon individuals;
    • Yukon businesses;
    • placer- and quartz-mining operations;
    • First Nations governments; and
    • municipal governments.

    Why are these groups eligible?

    Yukon’s rebate program responds to feedback received from Yukoners between 2017 and 2019. It also meets Yukon’s commitments under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF).

    Read the Yukon Government Carbon Price Rebate Act.

  2. Rebates for Yukon individuals

    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers the rebate for Yukon individuals.


    You are eligible for a rebate if you:

    • file a Yukon income tax return for the year prior to the current carbon rebate year; and
    • are 19 years or older.

    Carbon rebate year

    • July 1 to June 30

    How much will I get?

    If you live in Whitehorse, you will receive a rebate.

    If you live outside of Whitehorse, you will receive a rebate and a remote supplement. This increases your rebate payments by 10%.

    2021–22 carbon rebate year

    Date Rebate Remote supplement

    July 2021



    October 2021



    January 2022



    April 2022



    2020–21 carbon rebate year

    Date Rebate Remote supplement

    July 2020



    October 2020



    January 2021



    April 2021



    Interim rebates

    Yukoners started receiving carbon rebates in October 2019. These interim payments did not include a remote supplement.

    Date Rebate
    October 2019 $43
    April 2020 $43

    Household rebates

    To reduce administrative costs, 1 payment will made per family. 

    Individuals with dependent children

    Your payments will include a rebate for each dependent child.

    Married and common-law partners

    The 1st person to have their tax return processed will receive both rebates.

    How you'll get your rebate

    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides payments via cheque or direct deposit. Information provided on tax returns is used to determine the payment method.

    If you are eligible for the GST/HST credit, your carbon rebate payment will be combined with your GST/HST credit payment.

    Apply for a rebate

    You do not need to apply for the rebate.

    If you file a Yukon income tax return as a resident of Yukon you will automatically be applying for a rebate. The CRA will use information from your return to determine your eligibility.

  3. Rebates for Yukon businesses

    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will administer the general business rebate.

    General business rebate

    The general business rebate will be a refundable credit.


    A corporation can claim the rebate on its T2 corporation returns.


    Self-employed people can claim the rebate on their T1 income tax returns.

    How is the credit determined?

    The credit will be based on a weighting of assets which businesses already identify when filling out their tax returns.

    Weighting will be applied to assets that:

    • either consume fossil fuels; or
    • displace the consumption of fossil fuels.

    As a result, businesses will receive larger rebates by investing in the territory.

    The credit will reduce a business’ tax liability.


    Your company is eligible for the general business rebate if it:

    • is a Yukon business;
    • files a tax return in Yukon; and
    • has not applied for the placer- and quartz-mining rebate.

    Rebates qualify as income

    If you claim the federal carbon levy as a business expense, you need to report the rebate amount as income on your tax return.

    Capital cost allowance (CCA) classes

    The credit will be based on a weighting of prescribed CCA classes.

    Eligible classes will be assigned an inclusion rate to calculate the credit. The classes are grouped into 3 categories:

    • buildings;
    • equipment that burns fossil fuels; and
    • 'green' assets designed to replace carbon-based fuel consumption.

    Super Green Credit

    A Super Green Credit will support your company as we transition to a cleaner economy. It will also encourage future investments in green technology and equipment.

    Eligible assets are listed under classes 43.1, 43.2, 54 and 55 of the capital cost allowance (CCA) in the Canmet Energy Technical Guide.

  4. Rebates for Yukon placer- and quartz-mining operations

    The Government of Yukon will administer rebates to producing placer- and quartz-mining operations.

    You can apply for a rebate if you are a producing:

    Placer-mining operations

    The rebate is for 100% of carbon levies paid for production on eligible placer-mining claims.

    Apply for a rebate

    Quartz-mining operations

    The rebate is for:

    • 100% of the carbon levy on the initial 6 kilotonnes; and
    • 50% of the carbon levy on all emissions between 6 to 10 kilotonnes.

    Apply for a rebate

    Exploration companies

    Companies involved in exploration projects may be eligible for the general business rebate.

    Filing your tax return

    If you deduct carbon levies as a business expense, you must report your rebate as income on the following year’s tax return.

  5. Rebates for First Nations and municipal governments

    Rebates for First Nations governments

    First Nations governments will receive a rebate by March 31 each year. It covers the period from April 1 of the previous year to March 31 of the current year.

    Rebates for municipal governments

    Municipal governments will receive a rebate by April 1 each year. It covers the previous fiscal year.

  6. Learn about the federal price on pollution

    The federal government’s carbon pollution pricing levy took effect in Yukon on July 1, 2019. This initial levy was $20 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (C02e) emissions.

    On April 1, 2020 it increased to $30 per tonne. 

    On April 1, 2021, it increased to $40 per tonne.

    Current fuel charge rates

    As of April 1, 2021, the federal fuel rates are:

    • gasoline 11.05 cents per litre;
    • light fuel oil (diesel or heating) 13.41 cents per litre; and
    • propane 7.74 cents per litre.

    The federal levy will increase to:

    • $50 per tonne on April 1, 2022.

    Visit Finance Canada’s website for more information on Yukon’s fuel charge rates for 2019–2022. You will find this information under Table 2.


    Federally exempt industries include:

    • commercial fishing; and
    • agriculture.

    Negotiations with Canada since 2016 also resulted in targeted relief for:

    • aviation fuel in the territories;
    • diesel for electricity generation in remote communities; and
    • partial relief for greenhouse operators.

    Register for a fuel-charge program or exemption certificate

    Carbon pollution pricing is a federal initiative.

    Visit Carbon pollution pricing – what you need to know for information on:

    • registering for the federal fuel-charge program; and
    • exemption certificates.


Questions about carbon rebates should be directed to the CRA.

Rebates for individuals:

  • Phone: 1-800-387-1193 
  • If you are within Yukon's 867 area code, you can call the CRA Northern Service Centre.
    • Phone: 1-866-426-1527

Rebates for businesses:

T1 tax return applications:

  • Phone: 1-800-959-8281
  • If you are within Yukon's 867 area code, you can call the CRA Northern Service Centre.
    • Phone: 1-866-426-1527

T2 tax return applications:

  • Phone: 1-800-959-5525
  • If you are within Yukon's 867 area code, you can call the CRA Northern Service Centre for businesses.
    • Phone: 1-866-841-1876 

Other questions can be directed to the Government of Yukon: