About the Yukon Status of Women Council

yswc2Yukon Status of Women Council (YSWC) is a women's equality-seeking and awareness group, both locally and nationally. YSWC has been operating for forty years and is a strong promoter of feminist change through research,  public awareness, education and partnerships.

YSWC has a rich history of feminist principles and action. YSWC occupies a unique position within the women’s community.  It is the only organization which has the mandate to work for women’s issues with all levels of government; to conduct research and follow-up the results with action ; and to provide a voice for Yukon women. Participatory research on the issues and concerns of Yukon women is translated into action for change, bringing women’s issues to the forefront. YSWC acts as a catalyst for women to work together and to spark action.

Our Mission Statement

The Yukon Status of Women Council is a Territorial, feminist collective striving to achieve women's equality through research, education and public policy work.

Our Vision Statement

Our feminist organization envisions a world of equal opportunity and access where gender equality exists in all spheres of life; where all women have the opportunity to explore their own potential; where all women are safe and their lives are valued equally; and where there is respect for women's opinions, needs and actions.

Our Collective Model

A collective structure means that all members of the organization, staff, volunteers and board members, are equal in accord with feminist principles. YSWC is a feminist organization using a broad definition of feminism as a view of life from women’s eyes and lived experiences.  A feminist organization is one which promotes and seeks equality between men and women personally and systemically.