Apply for social housing

Social housing assists Yukoners in need of affordable, suitable and accessible housing. Social housing rent is geared to income. This means rent is calculated to be 25% of your total gross monthly household (combined) income.

This application is for individuals, families or seniors applying to live in Yukon Housing Corporation housing.


  • You must be a Yukon resident. 
  • You must be a low-income individual, family and or senior citizen who can't obtain affordable and suitable housing on the private market.
  • Your household income must be under current housing income limits thresholds.
  • You must be in good standing with the Yukon Housing Corporation.

Apply for social housing

  1. Complete the application package.
    Note: Make sure you complete the priority consideration section of the application if you require immediate housing.
  2. Provide identification.
    19+ years of age: You need 1 piece of government-issued photo ID.
    Under 19 years of age: You need 1 piece of government-issued  ID.
  3. Include your Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada if you are 19+.
  4. Submit your complete application package:
    In person: 410 Jarvis Street in Whitehorse or your local Community Housing office. Our Whitehorse office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Fax: 867-393-7597
  5. Your application will be assessed based on your needs and the availability of housing units.

For any difficulty in applying for social housing email or phone: 867-667-5759 or toll-free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5759.