A Celebration of Swans

Swans in flight.

A Celebration of Swans

Yukon's premier birding festival brings residents and visitors alike out to great swan viewing areas to welcome spring to the North. The mass migration of tens of thousands of swans, ducks, and geese is not to be missed.

The Swan Haven Interpretive Centre, is the hub of the festival, and is open in April when the swans are here. The centre is now closed for the season, but you can still visit the site to enjoy a picnic or a long walk on the beach. 

There is one wheel-chair accessible outhouse at Swan Haven and no waste disposal, so remember to pack-it-in and pack-it-out, and separate waste into compost and recycling when you're home. 

Festival poster

Every year a collectible poster is produced featuring an art piece that celebrates spring. Thousands of these posters are distributed to communities across Yukon.

The winner of this year's contest is Tara Easley.

See the poster and read about the artist.

Posters are available at the Department of Environment office at 10 Burns Road, Whitehorse and at visitor information centres.  


Workshop in front of the Swan Haven Interpretive Centre.
In 2021 we hosted more than 4,000 people at Swan Haven for school programs, events, and general visitation. Thank you for visiting us and learning more about bird migration!

More than 30 events are hosted each spring, both at Swan Haven and in communities across the territory. Check back in March 2022 for another season of great programming.  From painting workshops to bird banding demonstrations, there are plenty of ways to get out and celebrate spring. 

Swans at Swan Haven.

For questions about A Celebration of Swans and wildlife viewing events, email wildlife.viewing@yukon.ca or phone: 867-667-8291 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8291.