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Apply for a rebate to install a renewable energy system for your home

  • Apply for your rebate
  • Renewable energy systems

Electricity-generating systems that use renewable energy are eligible for up to a $5,000 rebate.

  1. Apply for your rebate


    Renewable energy systems that generate electricity from:

    • solar photovoltaic (PV);
    • wind;
    • hydro;
    • biomass; and
    • geothermal sources.

    Electricity-generating systems that use renewable energy are eligible for the rebate. All systems must be residential installations.

    Grid-tied clients must be part of the micro-generation program. All grid-tied systems must be pre-approved by the Energy Branch.

    Off-grid clients must provide an electrical permit for the work.

    Rebate amount

    Get a rebate of $800 per kilowatt of generating capacity to a maximum of $5,000 per system per year.

    Apply for your rebate

    1. Complete and sign the application form.
    2. Attach the required documents:
    3. Submit your application to the Energy Branch.
      In person: Energy Solutions Centre at 206A Lowe Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      Government of Yukon
      Energy Branch (EMR-206)
      Box 2703
      Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2C6
    4. You'll receive a rebate within 12 weeks.

    Solar domestic hot-water systems

    We also offer a rebate for solar-thermal domestic hot-water systems.

    If you have a grid-tied system, you can sell your surplus energy to your utility through our micro-generation program.

    This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund.

  2. Renewable energy systems

    A renewable energy system can generate electricity from sources such as:

    • solar photovoltaic (PV);
    • wind;
    • hydro;
    • biomass; and
    • geothermal.

    What size system can I install?

    For grid-tied systems, the maximum capacity you can install depends on your lot and electrical infrastructure. You will be eligible for the micro-generation program.

    Many residential properties in Yukon have a limit of 5 kilowatts for the system output. In the case of a solar photovoltaic system, that means the inverter rating. The array can be larger.

    For lots with a higher limit, our micro-generation program allows up to 50 kilowatt systems.

    What will a solar photovoltaic system cost?

    For grid-tied residential installations, the cost ranges from around $2.50 to $3.50 per watt.

    For larger grid-tied systems, the cost ranges from around $1.50 to $3.00 per watt.

    Off-grid, battery-based systems cost 2 to 4 times more. This is due to the high cost of:

    • batteries;
    • charge controllers; and
    • back-up generators.

    Other renewable systems vary greatly by site and project.

    How much energy can I generate?

    With solar photovoltaic, you can expect to generate about 900 to 1,100 kilowatt hours per year for every kilowatt of capacity installed. 

    For example:
    A home with a 5-kilowatt photovoltaic system will generate an estimated 4,500 to 5,500 kilowatt hours per year. That is about 50% of the electricity used by the average Yukon household per year. This assumes the house does not have electric heat.

    Download our solar calculator to estimate savings.

    Wind, micro-hyrdo and biomass are more more dependent on the site and system. You can contact the Energy Branch to arrange a time to discuss your project. Email