Wildlife and habitat planning

  • Species management plans
  • Special Management Area and Habitat Protection Area management plans
  • ​Community-based fish and wildlife work plans

  1. Species management plans

    We use species management plans to address conservation and/or community concerns for a specific species or because of legislation. Species management plans assist the development or revision of management approaches and regulations.

    Species management plans are in place for:


    The Government of Yukon is also part of planning processes led by other governments, agencies, or partners. These plans include:

    The Government of Yukon also participates in federal Species At Risk planning.

  2. Special Management Area and Habitat Protection Area management plans

    Special Management Area and Habitat Protection Area plans help maintain Yukon’s important natural landscapes and cultural features.

    The Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nation governments have committed to establishing protected areas. Special Management Area and Habitat Protection Area Plans are jointly created by the Government of Yukon, First Nation governments, other government agencies, Renewable Resources Councils and other stakeholders.

    Areas with completed plans

    Plans in progress

    Anticipated plans

    • Lewes Marsh Habitat Protection Area

  3. ​Community-based fish and wildlife work plans

    Community-based fish and wildlife work plans are the result of collaboration between the Government of Yukon, First Nation governments and Renewable Resources Councils with communities to identify the main issues for their area and come up with cooperative approaches for addressing these concerns.

    Completed community-based fish and wildlife work plans