Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana (2021)

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The following is a timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana during 2021.


January 2021[edit]

  • Model-based simulations indicate that the 95% confidence interval for the time-varying reproduction number R t was higher than 1.0 in January.[1]
  • On 1 January, hundreds of worshipers massed up at a chapel defying the COVID-19 safety protocols.[2] Most people in a church in the Central region were not having nose masks on.[3] The President was claimed to have prayed for a COVID-19-free for the country,[4] and hopeful the country would deal with the pandemic in 2021.[5]
  • On 2 January, people gathered at a beach without adhering to the COVID-19 safety protocols.[6] A pastor claimed sermons in the Church would spark up because of the restrictions on religious activities due to the pandemic.[7] The pandemic affected the fashion industry as majority of people use nose masks in their manner of dressing.[8]
  • On 3 January, a nurse warned the public against trying on nose masks before purchasing.[9] The President advised Ghanaians to observe the safety protocols as acquiring the vaccine was being worked on,[10] he also claimed there was no case of the new COVID-19 variant in the country.[11] A pastor held sermons virtually due to COVID-19.[12]
  • On 4 January, the President claimed the country would strengthen its airport restrictions due to the wake of the new variant of COVID-19,[13][14] he also claimed he would protect students from contracting the virus.[15] Some parents in Koforidua pleaded with the Government to absorb fees of students in private schools due to the impact of the pandemic.[16] An association wanted the government to suspend the reopening of the basic school level because of their vulnerability to COVID-19.[17] An association lauded the Government for reopening schools and called on the Government to make available the protocols.[18] IMF claimed it spent $11.3billion on Ghana and other countries since the pandemic began last year.[19] The Information Minister provided updates on Ghana's fight against the virus.[20]
  • On 5 January, it was disclosed less than 500 private schools received the government package issued by NBSSI.[21] The President claimed COVID-19 threatened to divert the progress of his administration.[22] Parents asked MoE and GES to provide safety measures before schools reopen.[23] A coalition called on the Government to provide the COVID-19 protocols and the quick arrival of PPEs.[24] The GWCL advised consumers to use water productively after the extension of free water package.[25] Zoomlion acquired new vehicles and equipment for fumigation to curb the spread of the virus.[26]
  • On 6 January, the CEO of a company advised business owners to strategize to help the businesses in surviving during the pandemic.[27] Some parents were worried the class size would make it difficult for some schools to observe social distancing.[28] An association were worried the Government denied paying salaries to private school teachers during the COVID-19 crisis.[29] An association also claimed about 126 private schools collapsed due to the outbreak of the pandemic.[30] A group were worried schools were to be reopened claiming it might cause the second wave of the pandemic.[31] It was revealed more than 15,200 businesses received financial support from the NBSSI/MasterCard Foundation partnership.[32] A Senior Lecturer at UG claimed the pandemic should not be a reason the Government's inability to fulfil promises made.[33] Some residents in Takoradi/Sekondi were claimed to have no nose mask on in their daily activities.[34] The Annual New Year School program was shortened to 2 days due to COVID-19.[35] Health workers in the Obusi East District were advised to continue the fight against COVID-19.[36] Private schools in Kumasi claimed they were affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.[37]
  • On 7 January, the VP of GMA claimed the Government, MoE and GES should close down any school who disregard the safety protocols.[38] The ECG and GWCL activated the supply of electricity and water free of charge to consumers under the COVID-19 relief package.[39] Parents were advised to sensitize their children on the safety protocols.[40]
  • On 8 January, stakeholders in the education sector were encouraged to use online tools and applications to teach SEND children post-COVID-19.[41] The President of an association claimed the hotel industry was watching what was going on in other nations due to COVID-19.[42] It was claimed COVID-19 affected the aviation and tourism sectors in terms of job creation and others.[43] It was also claimed PWDs and other groups were left out in the COVID-19 intervention by the Government.[44]
  • On 9 January, a teacher suggested schools should be disinfected on quarterly basis to curb the spread of the virus.[45] An association urged the Government to bring about protocols and guidelines for disposal of PPEs for students.[46]
  • On 10 January, it was revealed Ghana and other nations received financial support from IMF.[47] Some parents in Greater Accra region were worried because of the reopening of schools.[48] The management of BTU claimed the institution would adhere to the COVID-19 protocols.[49]
  • On 11 January, an MP cautioned Ghanaians there was an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections.[50] The UK Visa Application Center in Accra shut down their office as the UK was an epic centre for COVID-19.[51] Traders in some areas of Accra stopped the using of hand sanitizers and the putting on of nose masks.[52] Traders in stationery expected more sales after schools were reopened.[53] Health officials cautioned the public to observe the safety protocols in public places etc.[54] Past students of KNUST donated PPEs to an orphanage.[55]
  • On 12 January, GJA appealed to the Presidency consider a stimulus package for journalists due to the pandemic.[56] COVID-19 Taskforce was launched in the Central region to check the pandemic's situation.[57] The President of GMA claimed the non-adherence of the safety protocols caused the rise of COVID-19 in Ghana,[58] it also blamed the Government for letting its guard down,[59] it also warned Ghanaians to observe the safety protocols to avoid a lock down.[60] A coalition of NGOs in health blamed some institutions for not enforcing a policy in their workplace.[61] A MP appealed to the Presidency to consider a COVID-19 relief package for first-year tertiary students.[62] Most people abandoned the putting on of nose masks in the markets of Accra.[63] BTU established a COVID-19 taskforce.[64] An Educationist claimed children are less at risk of contracting the virus.[65] Parents were advised to provide their wards with the necessary PPEs.[66] Bookshop operators claimed their businesses were improving after it was announced schools are to be reopened.[67] The GMA charged the NCCE to start educating the public on the COVID-19 vaccines.[68]
  • On 13 January, some COVID-19 patients complained they were not given food at the Tamale Treatment Centre.[69] FDA denied it has approved a COVID-19 vaccine in Ghana.[70] The Takoradi Veterinary Laboratory claimed it recorded about 30% of tested samples of COVID-19 rate.[71] An officer of GUTA commended the Government for reopening of schools.[72] The President of GMA denied a report made by a newspaper concerning a total lock down.[73] A patient who recovered from the virus advised Ghanaians to abide by the safety protocols.[74] Dealers in nose mask in Accra made sales due to the reopening of schools.[75] The Executive Director of an institution claimed PPEs do not guarantee protection against the virus.[76] TUC-Ghana advised its members to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols.[77]
  • On 14 January, the GMA claimed Ghana's COVID-19 situation is alarming which might cause rise in cases.[78] Students at TTU were satisfied with the institution's compliance to the safety protocols.[79] An association claimed 51 girls got pregnant because of the shut down of schools due to the pandemic.[80] A US-based Ghanaian cautioned the public to observe the safety protocols.[81] Isolation centers in Ashanti region were reopened due to the increase of inactive cases.[82] It was revealed there was an increase in COVID-19 cases in the Western region.[83] An MP donated face masks to the Municipal Education Directorate in Ho Central.[84] Residents in Aflao claimed they did ot benefit from the relief package announced by the Government.[85] About 60% of beds in COVID-19 designated centers were claimed to be full.[86]
  • On 15 January, the CEO of a chamber cautioned about the rise in COVID-19 cases and its effects on the health system.[87] UDS launched a five-member COVID-19 response committee.[88] KNUST students praised the safety protocols put in place by the school authorities.[89] An Authority adopted ways to help school owners return to school amidst COVID-19.[90] An Association claimed children who stay at home because of fear of contracting the virus would bring problems.[91] WTA students would receive guidance and counselling prevent them from fears of contracting the virus.[92] The CE of KATH urged the media to tight their advocacy roles for Ghanaians to observe the protocols.[93] Some schools in Akim-Oda claimed they would comply to the safety measures after returning to school.[94] An NGO called for the safeguarding the female child due to the pandemic.[94] Teachers and parents were urged to educate the children on the COVID-19 protocols.[95] Students of UG were advised to be accountable for the compliance of the safety protocols.[96] The GMA appealed to the Government to decrease the amount for the COVID-19 test or make it free,[97][98] and also provision of PPEs to health facilities.[99] An Educationist appealed to the Government to add teachers to front line workers amid the pandemic.[100]
  • On 16 January, an association intended to audit all schools to establish if PPEs were delivered from the Government.[101] The Chairperson of the National COVID-19 Trust Fund advised Ghanaians to adhere to the safety protocols.[102] The pandemic was claimed to have affected the registration of marriages in Cape Coast.[103] A market was built temporarily due to COVID-19 to avoid overcrowding in Tema.[104] A headmistress claimed the pandemic affected the academic calendar.[105] The Government was blamed for abandoning Ghanaians from the spread of COVID-19.[106] A private university assured parents of safety on campus to avoid the spread of the virus.[107] According to an association, some private schools asked for COVID-19 test results from students.[108] UG-City Campus new students in Accra were said to have disregarded the safety protocols during their registration exercise.[109] A report claimed there was poor observance of the safety protocols by the public and health workers.[110] The Upper West Regional Hospital was among the hospitals selected for the treatment of COVID-19 cases.[111] The administration of TTU adopted a strategy to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the institution.[112] The CEO of KATH praised the media in Ghana for their support to the hospital due to the pandemic.[113] The Ashanti Regional Directorate of Ghana Health Service (GHS) revealed contact tracing would be done to curb the spread of the pandemic.[114] A lecturer at UDS suggested to the GES to run a shift system for basic schools.[115] A hospital in the Western region recorded 30 COVID-19 cases.[116]
  • On 17 January, the former Deputy Minister of Health assured the safety of school children as they return to school,[117] he also claimed there would be punishment for people who disregard the safety protocols.[118] An MP appealed to the Speaker of Parliament to suspend the payment of fees for students in tertiary institutions due to the impact of the pandemic.[119] The President claimed he ordered the IGP to enforce the wearing of nose masks.[120][121][122] An association claimed it was ready to help manage COVID-19 cases.[123] A former MP wrote an open letter to the President concerning COVID-19.[124][125] Traders in some parts of Central region disregarded the safety protocols.[126] School children were urged to observe the safety protocols in school.[127] NMIMR investigated into claims the institution gives false COVID-19 test results.[128] People disregard safety protocols at funerals and other gatherings.[129] GIJ, Dzorwulu campus was claimed to not fully adhere to the safety protocols.[130]
  • On 18 January, the GHS revealed the names of 15 laboratories certified to test for the virus.[131] An MP visited some schools in Yendi to welcome them back to school due to the pandemic.[132] An association in Akatsi were worried PPEs were not available on the first day of back to school.[133] The President claimed majority of COVID-19 cases in the country were the youth.[134] An MP called for the closure of schools for chilfren in the lower primary and below.[135] Some Ghanaians shared their opinions over the rise in the virus.[136] A former MP played down claims the government is to be blamed for the rise in COVID-19 cases.[137] A former minister advised Ghanaians to observe the safety protocols.[138] The GMA praised the President for allowing the police to enforce the observance of the safety protocols.[139] The GHS claimed it has secured facilities to provide care for COVID-19 patients.[140] Some drivers in Accra asked for PPEs from government and private institutions.[141] A private school postponed its reopening after a board member tested positive for the virus.[142] An institute called for the MoE and the GES to suspend the reopening of schools if PPEs are not ready.[143] An association appealed to the government to give allowances to its staff.[144] The former Health Minister claimed government was looking at the reducing the amount paid for COVID-19 testing at KIA.[145] An association supported the idea for the re-closure of basic schools,[146] it also claimed teachers would be strict on students who disregard the safety protocols.[147] Some basic schools in New Juaben South put in place the safety protocols to curb the pandemic.[148] Schools in the Sissala East observed low regard of the safety protocols.[149] A Medical Director at Tema Hospital advised Ghanaians to 'stick strictly to the COVID-19 protocols'.[150] A former Chief Justice and the General Secretary of GMA attributed the increase in COVID-19 cases to political rallies.[151][152] GPS were tasked to lead by example in the enforcement of the COVID-19 protocols,[153] they also claimed to roll out enforcement measures of wearing of the nose masks.[154] A former Health Minister claimed there was no science or fact to back political campaigns were the reason the country's cases rose.[155] An actor asked the whereabout of the COVID-19 tracker app.[156] COVID-19 Monitoring team were formed in Hohoe to keep students safe.[157] GPRTU claimed it would enforce the observing of the protocols at bus stations.[158] A former Deputy Minister of Education assured parents of school children not to panic as they returned to school.[159] Some schools received PPEs from the government.[160] A broadcaster alleged some health officials took bribes to change COVID-19 test results.[161] Students of KNUST disregarded the safety protocols in a concert for new students.[162]
  • On 19 January, an association claimed its position would have different concerning the reopening of schools due to the rise in COVID-19 cases.[163] An association also claimed the decision to go back to school was necessary.[164] A headmaster of a school claimed social distancing was prioritised to curb the spread of COVID-19.[165] The DCE advised students to observe the safety protocols in the school.[166] A politician advised Ghanaians to listen to the President's call to adher to the protocols.[167] A council replied to an association about claims the government should shut down schools.[168] NPC supported the President's decision to enforce the COVID-19 protocols.[169] The President of IMANI-Africa claimed the reopening of schools was ill-timed.[170] The Executive Director of an institute claimed MoE and GES were 'incompetent' because schools failed to receiive PPEs earlier.[171] The Executive Director of an institution claimed the country was not prepared to reopen of schools.[172] According to the Kumasi Metro Directorate of Education, schools with high population to run the shift system.[173] A musician called on the President to stop the collection of COVID-19 testing fee at KIA.[174] According to a unit at the GPS, there was an increase in the publication of obscene images and videos online during the lock down.[175] An MP urged the government to conduct a free mass testing for Ghanaians,[176] he also claimed the pandemic has revealed the gap between schools in the rural and urban areas.[177] A professor at UG suggested to the President to place a ban on large gatherings.[178] Headmistress of a school in Ho revealed there was a huge turnout of students back to school.[179] Government was claimed to have delayed in the provision of PPEs.[180] Some people in some part of Western region disregarded the observance of the safety protocols.[181] Some parents claimed they were happy to see their children back to school.[182] Genomic sequencing at WACCBIP indicated several cases of the UK variant and at least one case of the 501.V2 variant,[183] while the GHS revealed the new variants had a higher and faster rate of infection.[184] A presidential aspirant claimed the President ignoring political activities led to the rise of COVID-19 cases was irresponsible.[185] The First Lady urged Ghanaians to put on face masks to curb the spread of the virus.[186] An MP claimed the fight against the pandemic is a collective responsibility.[187] Some school managements adopted ways to fight the pandemic.[188] President of GMA urged Ghanaians to live their lives normally without COVID-19 interference.[189] A policy analyst claimed to be disappointed by the President for failing to construct the district hospitals.[190] A founder of a political party urged the President to lock down the country again.[191] The CDC warned US travelers to avoid going to Ghana due to high cases in the country.[192] The GHS claimed it would support NMIMR to investigate into the alleged falsification of COVID-19 test results.[193]
  • On 20 January, a former Minister for Health blamed the government for the rise of the virus in the country.[194] A member of the COVID-1 response team claimed the way to curb the disease was to intensify global collaboration and cooperation.[195] The Speaker of Parliament told all MPs to test for the virus.[196] A company donated PPEs to 2 schools in Kaneshie.[197] An Assembly in the Upper East region launched a COVID-19 Recovery Plan to alleviate the impact of the pandemic.[198] A private university claimed there was no case of COVID-19 on their campuses.[199] AMA claimed it was considering running a shift system in the markets in the Assembly.[200] The GHS claimed they had never stopped contact tracing of COVID-19 cases.[201]
  • On 21 January, an MP donated PPEs and other items to some schools.[202] A clinical pharmacologist advised that Ghana should conduct clinical trials locally for the COVID-19 vaccine.[203] A 50-bed facility meant for COVID-19 was claimed to have been left unfinished at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital.[204] An NGO donated PPEs and hand washing equipments to AMA.[205]
  • On 22 January, three people were said to have contracted the virus at the Walewale District Police Command.[206] The GES claimed all schools in Ghana would receive PPEs.[207] Two students of a school in Wa tested positive for the virus.[208] A council in the Volta region urged people in the region to abide to the safety protocols.[209] The Netherlands adopted new travel guidelines to curb the spread of the virus.[210] The Chairperson of ECOWAS advised its member countries to vaccinate their citizens against the virus.[211]
  • On 23 January, a COVID-19 taskforce in the Western region educated the public about the virus.[212] An NGO donated PPEs and some items to some schools to halt the spread of the virus.[213] A Professor at UHAS appealed to the government to provide nose masks to the public,[214] he also claimed the COVID-19 case counts were being underestimated in the country.[215] A former Minister for Health suggested to the government to briefly lock down the country.[216] A Scientist urged the President to ban funerals and other large gatherings.[217] An MP asked the government to adopt a free testing for the virus.[218] The General Secretary of GMA claimed being at home does not safeguard against the virus.[219]
  • On 24 January, Ghanaian students called for the suspension of fees payment due to the impact of the pandemic.[220] A Ghanaian comedian urged Ghanaians to put on their nose masks.[221] A school in the Volta region called for more PPEs.[222] Some churches in the Volta region were reported to have reduced the use of nose masks.[223]
  • On 25 January, a teacher donated PPEs to help stop the spread of the virus.[224] A Professor claimed the new variant of COVID-19 were not 'deadlier' but spread faster.[225] A former Deputy Health Minister claimed political activities were not to be blamed for the increase in infections,[226] he also claimed the government reactivated contact tracing.[227] An MP appealed to the government to provide face masks to the public.[228] To stop the spread of the virus, only one-third of MPs were needed in the Chamber of Parliament.[229] The President urged member states of ECOWAS to not despair due to the impact of the pandemic.[230] The GHS claimed the new variant of the virus were not recorded in the community level in the country.[231] GIJ suspended one of the school's campus due to 2 staffs testing positive.[232] An association appealed to the government to test all students and staff of technical universities.[233] The GMA urged the government to reduce people going to the funeral of JJ Rawlings,[234] they also appealed to the government to lock down the country to stop the rise of the virus.[235] AMA put limitation for people attending ceremonies at their city hall.[236] A union supported the motion of suspending payment of fees at the tertiary level.[237] 3 regions in the country with EOCs were set to receive boost to strengthen them for response to health emergencies.[238]
  • On 26 January, the GHS claimed it has increased the surveillance in the communities to check if the new variant spreads within them,[239] it also claimed about 32% of affected patients in phase 3 were falling sick in the country.[240] A group's medical team claimed they studied graphs plotted on the cases of the virus.[241] A researcher at KCCR claimed the payment for the COVID-19 test should be reduced.[242] The General Secretary of GMA claimed the impact of the virus on affected persons observed was worse.[243] The Speaker of Parliament gave an ultimatum for all MPs to get tested.[244] CCG claimed if a ban on gatherings was placed by the government, churches would shut down.[245] ECOWAS placed the payment of COVID-19 PCR test for member states traveling within the region at $50.[246] A lecturer claimed the government would face difficulties if parliament approves the motion of suspension of fees for tertiary students.[247] GPRTU claimed it would punish drivers who disregard the safety protocols.[248]
  • On 27 January, A Health Analyst urged the banning of social gatherings as a way to help curb the spread of COVID-19.[249] The GHS claimed the locking down the country would not reduce the rise in cases,[250] it also claimed there was policy to prioritize COVID-19 cases.[251] FDA cautioned Ghanaians to purchase approved Hydrogen Peroxide,[252] it also assured Ghanaians the efficacy of PPEs the institution certified for usage.[253] A Union in the Upper East appealed to the government to increase its package for health workers.[254] GPS advised the public to adhere to the safety protocols.[255] A politician urged Ghanaians to protect themselves agaianst the virus.[256] A Group claimed the breakdown of leadership was the cause of surge in COVID-19 infections.[257] Some people in Accra appealed to the government to direct drivers to decrease the number of passengers in vehicles.[258] The Ho Municipal Assembly released a statement to begin enforcement of the safety protocols.[259]
  • On 28 January, MoH ordered public COVID-19 testing labs not to charge Ghanaians for COVID-19 testing.[260] A study in Ghana claimed about 50% of Ghanaians were misled concerning COVID-19.[261] A Director of Health Unit at GPHA claimed the country needs to be cautious in easing restrictions.[262] A Medical Officer at GPHA claimed the port was inquiring ways to intensify measures against the spread of the virus.[263] A Medical Lab Officer at GPHA diminished claims by some people concerning COVID-19 test results being compromised.[264] Two people tested positive for the virus during a program in Koforidua.[265] Some businesspersons in Accra expressed mixed feelings concerning the possible second lock down.[266] The GPRTU in the Bono region created a COVID-19 taskforce to enforce the safety protocols.[267] A Researcher appealed to the government to randomly test for the new variant of COVID-19.[268] GP claimed they would begin checking vehicles to ensure passengers put on the nose masks.[269] An NGO in partnership with the UK Government and Unilever donated PPEs and other items to AMA and others.[270]
  • On 29 January, KATH recorded 25 positive cases of the virus since the outbreak in the country,[271] nine children tested positive at the facility.[272] The Speaker of Parliament claimed some MPs contracted the virus.[273] Courts in the country were ordered to run shift system.[274] It was disclosed some health workers at KATH attend to patients with no nose masks on.[275] People in the Central region were sensitized to put on nose masks.[276][277] The GHS claimed there was an increase of the virus at workplaces.[278]
  • On 30 January, a former Minister advised Ghanaians to adhere to the safety protocols as the country awaits the vaccine.[279] The GMA appealed to the government to put a ban on social gatherings.[280] A professor appealed to the government to employ nurses to assist in the increasing COVID-19 cases.[281] A businessman advised young persons post-COVID-19.[282] The National House of Chiefs advised the public to observe the safety protocols.[283] An NGO donated some items to some schools in Obuasi.[284] A political activist donated some items to some churches.[285] The Regional Director of GHS in the Bono East urged the government to declare a 28-days compulsory wearing of nose masks.[286]
  • On 31 January, the government was asked to place a ban on the use of shisha in the country.[287] The GP claimed it engaged with district assemblies and others to assisit in the enforcement of the safety protocols.[288] The 2021 Spelling Bee would be held behind closed doors due to the pandemic.[289] A political party appealed to the government to reintroduce the restrictions in vehicles to halt the spread of the virus.[290] A pastor claimed the country needed 'a tough and benevolent dictatorship leadership' to fight the spread of the virus.[291] The President claimed the country was averaging about 700 new cases of COVID-19 daily.[292]

February 2021[edit]

  • On 1 February, a minister-designate appealed to the government to reintroduce learning under trees to curb the spread of the virus.[293] Mortuary workers alleged government massaged COVID-19 deaths.[294] FDA nabbed 2 people for claiming to have a cure for COVID-19.[295] The President of GMA questioned why the government did not shut down religious institutions.[296] Ghanaians were cautioned the virus was real.[297] A foundation provided some hospitals with beds to contain the intake of COVID-19 patients.[298] The administration of KNUST suspended shuttle services on campus.[299] COVID-19 management team at KATH threatened to lay down their tools due to unpaid allowances.[300] South Korea provided PPEs and COVID-19 lab testing equipment to Ghana.[301] A politician donated PPEs and other items to an orphanage in the Central region.[302]
  • On 2 February, the GHS claimed about 20 COVID-19 cases were recorded in some schools,[303] it also claimed about 42% Ghanaians put on the nose masks correctly in a survey,[304] it also claimed the UK COVID-19 variant spreads faster in the country.[305] Ghanaians were advised to be referred before they were tested free for the virus.[306] Children in the Upper West region were claimed to be contracting the virus.[307] A directive by the Judicial Association asked courts to only preside over 'urgent cases'.[308] A public health specialist claimed there was a need for a more balanced information on the threat of the virus.[309] The Health Directorate in the Volta region blamed the increase of the virus on disregarding the safety protocols.[310] A former Medical Director appealed to the government to lift taxes on PPEs.[311] Management of KIA revealed some measures to be followed by travelers into the country.[312] A professor claimed the rise in COVID-19 in the country was of no scientific novelty.[313] Ridge Hospital's COVID-19 ICU was claimed to have run out of oxygen.[314] A pharmacist claimed the country must diversify its sources for the vaccine of the virus.[315]
  • On 3 February, the association of mortuary workers in the country cautioned of congestion at the morgues due to the ban of large gatherings.[316] A health economist urged the government to focus on protecting informal sector workers from the virus.[317] Vodafone Ghana donated PPEs and some items to a hospital.[318] The GFA advised Match Commissioners to enforce Club Safety and Security Officers observe the safety protocols.[319]
  • On 4 February, about 29 people tested positive for the virus in a school,[320] Others also claimed it was 40 confirmed cases.[321] After about 15 MPs tested positive for the virus, the Parliament decided to sit twice per week.[322] A conducted research revealed the country had a shortage of hospital beds.[323] A Relation Analyst claimed some travelers used illegal routes in Ghana because of the amount charged at the airport.[324] Due to the demand of nose masks, there was an increase in the price.[325] A doctor at Greater Accra Regional Hospital claimed recovered patients of COVID-19 report back with complications,[326] he also claimed the hospital took new equipments to help in the test for the virus.[327] GMA warned the public FDA and other organizations did not approve Hydrogen peroxide as treatment for the virus.[328] A Director in UG advised suspected COVID-19 patients to be at home while waiting for results of tests.[329]
  • On 5 February, the MP of New Juaben South advised teachers to enforce the safety protocols.[330] 42 students tested positive for the virus in Akosombo.[331] VRA urged for calmness after it was confirmed some students contracted the virus.[332] An MP claimed the parliament should be closed after some people tested positive for the virus.[333] Bans on large gatherings had an impact on coffin makers.[334] A club donated PPEs to UGMC and Ga East hospital.[335] The Chairman of a football club condemned the disregarding of the protocols by the club's fans.[336] World Vision partnered an organization to launch COVID-19 infection prevention project in Accra.[337] COCOBOD claimed cocoa products contains antioxidants to fight COVID-19.[338] Municipal Chief Executive of Sunyani donated PPEs to be disbursed to schools.[339]
  • On 6 February, Archbishop of Cape Coast tested positive for the virus.[340] A Former Deputy Health Minister claimed public education needed before the COVID-19 vaccine arrives.[341] A research facility in UG claimed the new UK COVID-19 variant was spreading in the country.[342] The GMA advised the public to disregard any misinformation concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.[343] Fears of workers about COVID-19 at the Ministry of Justice was reduced.[344] An organization donated PPEs to private schools and had a meeting to discuss COVID-19.[345] A Pharmacist urged the government to review public transport system.[346] Parliament tightened protocols after some MPs contracted the virus.[347] 4 NGOs received nose masks from a delegation of EU to Ghana in partnership with a fashion industry.[348] Director-General of GSA claimed pregnant women and others would not be vaccinated against the virus.[349]
  • On 7 February, a Researcher at KCCR claimed the country's ability to collect, interpret and release COVID-19 data limited.[350] The former Minister for Communication claimed he was surprised the government decided not to administer the COVID-19 vaccines to the aged and others,[351] he also urged the government to publish the vaccine rollout plan for the country.[352] The CCG urged churches in Ghana to adhere to the safety protocols.[353] A lecturer at UGBS appealed to the government to secure more COVID-19 vaccines.[354] A network donated PPEs to some schools in the Central region.[355]
  • On 8 February, about 90% of tested COVID-19 samples were confirmed to be the UK COVID-19 variant.[356] The US Embassy in Ghana suspended visa appointments.[357] The Supervisor of a Lab in Takoradi claimed the eyes could be a source of transmission of the virus.[358] The Director of Infectious Disease Center in Ghana urged Ghanaians against self-medication of the virus.[359] An organization appealed for the suspension of physical meetings in the Parliament house.[360] A Professor at UG urged for more observance of the safety protocols.[361] GMA called for the closure of schools to curb the spread of the virus.[362] Greater Accra Regional Hospital's COVID-19 response team claimed the testing facility in the hospital was complete.[363] 37 more students tested positive for the virus in AIS.[364]
  • On 9 February, the parliament of Ghana shut down for three weeks, although the Appointments Committee met to vet Government ministerial nominees.[365] A Vaccine Professional claimed Ghana and other African countries were ready for the vaccine rollout.[366] The GHS claimed there were post-COVID-19 clinics for recovered people of the virus,[367] it also claimed Ghanaians should not be scared of the COVID-19 vaccine,[368] it also revealed less than 50% of churches do not sanitize musical instruments.[369] Administration of KIA reviewed the protocols for passengers into the country.[370] Some members in Parliament called for the dissolution of the COVID-19 technical advisory team of the Government.[371]
  • On 10 February, AIS adopted the shift system to curb the spread of the virus.[372] The Minister of Health-designate claimed the rollout of the country's COVID-19 depended on the infrastructure in place,[373] he also claimed his ministry spent over $100 million in the fight against the pandemic.[374] The decision to shut down the parliament house was welcomed by MPs.[375] Veronica Bekoe launched a new type of Veronica bucket to halt the spread against the virus.[376] GPHA claimed no COVID-19 death was recorded.[377] More than 1,700 children were said to tested positive for the virus.[378] A foundation donated electronic beds to KATH and others.[379] A Doctor cautioned vehicle drivers against tagging COVID-19 a disease for the rich.[380] Airlines who disregard the protocols were said to pay an amount of $3,500 per traveler.[381]
  • On 11 February, according to the Minister-nominee for Foreign Affairs, COVID-19 affected the country from acquiring benefits from AfCFTA agreement,[382] she also claimed there was an engagement between Ghana, Russia and China to secure COVID-19 vaccines.[383] The Minister-nominee for health claimed COVID-19 treatment centers were expected to be finished in 2021.[384] The GHS Directorate in the Asutifi North claimed taking samples to KCCR was a problem.[385] Accra and Kumasi were said to be the first places to receive the vaccines.[386] PWDs were said to have been affected by the pandemic.[387]
  • On 12 February, a group awarded beneficiaries of the Women COVID-19 Stimulus Fund.[388] Administration of UEW visited learning centers to observe the compliance of the safety protocols.[389] FDA discussed on the Cuban COVID-19 vaccine.[390]
  • On 13 February, the public were advised on the effects of the virus.[391] It was revealed pregnant women and children under 16 would not be vaccinated.[392] The GHS claimed the COVID-19 vaccine would be free of charge for Ghanaians.[393] 8 persons tested positive for the virus in Sefwi Wiawso College of Education.[394] Communities in Ghana were advised to help government in the fight against the virus.[395] UEW created COVID-19 task-force among staff and students.[396]
  • On 14 February, some MPs in Ghana were blamed for the lack of compliance of the safety protocols by Ghanaians.[397] An investigation took place in the Bono region for an alleged vaccination of COVID-19.[398] It was revealed there was pressure on facilities handling testing of the virus and contact tracing.[399] Health workers were claimed to have not rested ever since it was confirmed COVID-19 was in the country.[400] The GHS educated about 3,000 people on the prevention of the virus in some markets in Accra.[401]
  • On 15 February, according to Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, the nation's COVID-19 Tracker App was built for free.[402] 3 petroleum workers tested positive for the virus.[403] Ghana was said to need over $51 million for COVID-19 vaccination.[404] The Independence Day parade was suspended by the President to halt the spread of the virus.[405]
  • On 16 February, the pandemic was blamed for the inability for the Ministry of Roads and Highways to pay road contractors.[406] NCCE was charged by the NCC to use innovative methods to educate the public about the virus.[407] Students at UGMS were said to have conducted a survey on COVID-19 protocols.[408] Cuba agreed to offer the Ghanaian pharmaceutical industry with technology on a COVID-19 vaccine called 'Soberana 02'.[409]
  • On 17 February, an alleged treason case was adjourned because of the rise of COVID-19 in Ghana.[410] The GMA claimed the rise in deaths of the virus was due to inadequate access to healthcare facilities.[411] Ambassador of Germany to Ghana claimed Ghana's travel standing under Germany's travel ban list could change due to the rise in COVID-19 cases.[412] Some schools in Ashanti region received PPEs.[413]
  • On 18 February, 12 new cases of the virus was recorded at FPSO John Agyekum Kufuor.[414] Drivers and passengers in some lorry stations received nose masks from Fido Micro Credit.[415] Some basic schools in the Eastern region reintroduced the shift system to curb the spread of the virus.[416] The Government of UK claimed it would help Ghana due to the impact of the pandemic.[417]
  • On 19 February, some government officials volunteered to be vaccinated publicly to educate the masses.[418] Eduwatch appealed to the government to enforce the protocols in schools.[419] About 15 students in Western region contracted the virus.[420] FDA claimed they authorized two vaccines of COVID-19 in Ghana.[421] A rollout plan for the COVID-19 vaccination was revealed.[422] Special schools in the Northern region were educated on COVID-19 management by the NCCE.[423] Ashanti regional GMA appealed for better infrastructure to help in the management of COVID-19 patients.[424] The GHS claimed the country's active cases were not increasing but high at a 'stagnant' position.[425]
  • On 20 February, Russia's Sputnik V was approved by Ghana to fight the virus.[426] The GHS claimed about 12,500 vaccinators would be deployed for the COVID-19 vaccination exercise.[426] Inmates and Prison officers adhered to the safety protocols with the help of COVID-19 management team.[427] Ghanaians were asked to be ready for the COVID-19 vaccination,[428] and asked the public to disregard myths about the vaccines.[429]
  • On 21 February, it was reported some investment institutions closed with loss of jobs due to the pandemic.[430] The Queen mother of Agona Traditional Area presented PPEs to some schools in the area.[431] Government was applauded for the supply of COVID-19 logistics in schools to curb the spread of the virus.[432]
  • On 22 February, the country was claimed to receive the COVID-19 vaccine during the week,[433] the first batch of the vaccines were expected on this day.[434] Pentecost Church in Ghana cautioned its members against the spread of COVID-19 vaccines myth.[435] Dr. John Amoasi claimed the country would not meet the 70% mark for vaccination of the public.[436] 37 Hospital and Ga East Hospital released COVID-19 autopsy results to help understand and manage the virus.[437] Producers of herbal medicine in the country appealed for the support of the government to produce COVID-19 treatments.[438]
  • On 23 February, issues concerning the agreement of the COVID-19 testing at KIA was clarified by Kwaku Asiamah.[439] NADMO sensitized the public concerning the new COVID-19 variant.[440] Yofi Grant claimed despite the new COVID-19 variant, the country would attract FDIs.[441] The public were advised to adhere to the government's administration of COVID-19 vaccines.[442] Ghana and some other countries were suspended by Oman to curb the spread of the virus.[443]
  • On 24 February, an association urged its members to be vaccinated.[444] Some health facilities would receive 600,000 doses of AstraZeneca.[445] Government was urged to sensitize the public on the COVID-19 vaccine.[446] A company decided to provide free oxygen refilling to hospitals in Ghana.[447] Health workers and others were claimed to be the first to be vaccinated.[448] The Program Manager of GHS claimed the country has adequate storage facilities for the vaccines.[449]
  • On 25 February, President Akufo-Addo was the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.[450] FDA approved the Sputnik V and Covishielf use in the country.[451] UK High Commissioner to Ghana praised Ghana because it was the first African country to secure the COVID-19 vaccine.[452] The country was expected to receive COVID-19 vaccines from India.[453]
  • On 26 February, Zipline partnered with UPS and its foundation to support Government in the COVID-19 vaccine delivery.[454] The Catholic Archbishop urged the public to assist the government against the pandemic.[455] Alex Dodoo claimed the country might 'fully open up' its economy before 2021 ends.[456] The GHS claimed the country might be opened up if the COVID-19 vaccination succeeded.[457] HealthTech Ghana presented medical equipment to UGMC to assist in the fight against COVID-19.[458] MTN donated an amount to help in the COVID-19 vaccination program.[459]
  • On 27 February, Dr. Okoe-Boye claimed information concerning the COVID-19 vaccination was developed to educate the public.[460] Dr. Nsiah-Asare claimed the COVID-19 vaccines are not for sale,[461] He also claimed government bought COVID-19 vaccines through direct sources.[462] The CEO of a pharmacy claimed health workers should have been the first to be administered with the vaccine.[463] FDA assured the public on the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.[464]
  • On 28 February, President Akufo-Addo addressed the country on the fight against COVID-19,[465] he claimed two different health centres would vaccinate his family and Bawumia's family,[466] he also claimed Ghana could develop and manufacture its own vaccines by setting up a committee,[467] he also claimed the COVID-19 vaccine is safe.[468] FDA and WHO approved Artesunate-Pyronaridine for clinical trials for the virus.[469]

March 2021[edit]

  • On 1 March, Bureau of Public Safety urged the government to check on those who receive the AstraZeneca.[470] Mahamudu Bawumia and Samira Bawumia received their vaccination against the virus at the Police Hospital[471] President Akufo-Addo and Rebecca Akufo-Addo received the vaccines too.[472][473] Dr. Nsiah-Asare claimed a public sensitization team was established concerning the vaccines.[474] Ghanaians were urged to take the vaccine to reduce the impact of the virus.[475] NCCE in the Central region decided to educate the public on the COVID-19 vaccine.[476] Some healthcare workers claimed they were excited the country started the vaccination exercise.[477]
  • On 2 March, 12 cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the Parliament house.[478] Former Presidents John Mahama and John Agyekum Kufuor, Lordina Mahama, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and his wife, and others received the vaccines.[479][480] COVID-19 vaccination was launched in the Ashanti region.[481] COVID-19 Private Sector Fund of Ghana decided to assist the vaccination program.[482] India pledged to provide Ghana with 50,000 COVID-19 vaccines.[483] Zipline delivered COVID-19 vaccines to some hospitals across the country.[484]
  • On 3 March, members of some teachers union encouraged their staff to get involved in the vaccination exercise.[485] AMA claimed they had all the logistics needed for the vaccination exercise.[486] 300 boxes of immune boosters were delivered to KATH for some health workers.[487] Residents of Awutu-Senya District were encouraged to go for the vaccination.[488] Alban Bagbin claimed about 6,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines would be needed in the parliament house.[489] Osman Sharubutu with his family received the vaccine.[490]
  • On 4 March, Catholics in the country were urged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.[491] Zoompak Ghana Limited claimed it was ready to dispose off medical waste from the COVID-19 vaccination exercise.[492] 10 cases of COVID-19 was recorded at the Ada Senior High School.[493] Savelugu Hospital began full operations after shutting down.[494]
  • On 5 March, Ashanti region Health Directorate claimed about 10,000 people received the vaccine.[495] India provided about 50,000 COVID-19 vaccines to Ghana.[496] More COVID-19 vaccines were expected from COVAX, Syndex, and others.[497] Almost 70,000 people received the vaccines.[498] Some schools in the Central and Ashanti regions received over GH¢600,000 worth of items.[499] A women group in Newmont Ghana donated some items to 3 schools to assist in the fight against the virus.[500]
  • On 6 March, NHIA extended its working hours to avoid overcrowding due to the virus.[501] Customs officials of GRA in Tema received the COVID-19 vaccine.[502] Personnel of GPS and staff of VRA took part in the vaccination exercise.[503] Ghanaians were encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccine.[504] Alban Bagbin and parliamentarians received the vaccine.[505]
  • On 7 March, more than 162,000 people were claimed to have received the vaccine.[506]
  • On 8 March, an NGO urged Ghanaians to celebrate women who contribute in the response of COVID-19 in the country.[507] Ghana's COVID-19 was claimed to have declined 'steadily'.[508] Most female workers were said to have decided to stop work due to the fear of contracting the virus.[509] Business owners and others were urged to be adapt new ways during the pandemic.[510] Ghanaian women in the fight against COVID-19 were celebrated by Rebecca Akufo-Addo.[511] More than 200,000 people received the vaccine.[512] More than 200,000 persons received the vaccine.[513][514]
  • On 9 March, the President Akufo-Addo addressed the nation concerning the pandemic.[515] UENR outdoor COVID-19 ambassadors to educate students on campus.[516] The country would receive two million vaccines from COVAX Facility.[517] Dr. Okoe Boye wrote an article on how to end the pandemic.[518] Most students who contracted the virus were said to have recovered.[519] About 300,000 people received the vaccine.[520][521] FDA cautioned the public on buying vaccines online.[522]
  • On 10 March, Kwaku Agyeman Manu revealed the challenges the country faced with the COVID-19 vaccine procurement.[523] It was claimed the country would receive 17.6million doses of the vaccine.[524] President Nana Akufo-Addo revealed the pandemic cost the country GH¢25.3 billion.[525] Government denied a report of sanctioning persons who decline taking the COVID-19 vaccine.[526] Women in the communities and others were praised for their help in fighting the virus.[527]
  • On 11 March, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia claimed the pandemic is a wake up call for countries in Africa to co-operate in sustaining the continent.[528] C.K Akonor was claimed to experiment with his team due to the impact of the pandemic.[529] The CEO of the Ghana Employers Association called for the mandatory vaccination for all workers.[530]
  • On 12 March, a year since Ghana recorded its first COVID-19 case.[531] According to Nsiah-Asare, the country is not seeing any effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.[532] Kwahu Traditional Council suspended 2021 Easter activities due to the pandemic.[533] A church supported the mass vaccination of the public against the virus.[534]
  • On 13 March, Kwame Sarpong Asiedu, a pharmacist claimed the public should disregard reports on AstraZeneca vaccines causing blood clots.[535] The GHS claimed the COVID-19 vaccines are more than enough on the country.[536] A new state of the art COVID-19 testing facility called GeneLab (www.genelabgh.com) was opened in East Legon.[537]
  • On 14 March, more than 400,000 persons have received the vaccine.[538][539] Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa appealed to the government to raise the budgetary allocation for NCCE.[540]
  • On 15 March, it was claimed there was an increase of cyber crime during the pandemic.[541] More than 60,300 health personnel were reported to have received the vaccine in 3 regions.[542] The media was encouraged to provide information on the COVID-19 vaccine.[543]
  • On 16 March, it was claimed by the GHS that about 1,000 reports of the effects of the vaccine on persons who were vaccinated.[544] FDA claimed there was no case of reported blood clots caused by the vaccine in Ghana.[545] Government of The Netherlands decided to assist Ghana with COVAX vaccines.[546] The GHS increased the percentage for COVID-19 Testing Labs in the country to 80%.[547] Ken Ofori-Atta recovered from the virus.[548]
  • On 17 March, CBG donated some items to KNUST and SDA Hospital in the Ashanti region.[549] Fidelity Bank presented some items to Ghana Infectious Disease Center.[550] The Health Directorate in the Greater Accra Region claimed the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccination received more than 80% of its target.[551] Dr. Kwame Amponsah of GHS claimed the administering of Sputnik V was put on hold in Ghana due to its insufficiency,[552] he also claimed almost all 600,000 doses of AstraZeneca were distributed in the vaccination exercise.[553] The government was urged to assist women who lost their source of livelihood due to the pandemic.[554]
  • On 18 March, AGI claimed the new proposed taxes would be make it difficult for businesses to recover from the impact of the pandemic.[555] 449,171 people received the AstraZeneca vaccine.[556] A Ghanaian scientist Isabella Akyinbah Quakyi cautioned the public to adhere to the safety protocols.[557]
  • On 19 March, Government of the Netherlands applauded the government for decisions taken during the outbreak of the pandemic.[558] FDA claimed companies in the country would be packaging COVID-19 vaccines locally.[559] NCCE in Birim South educated the public on the COVID-19 vaccine.[560] There was a rise in COVID-19 in the North East region.[561]
  • On 20 March, Government revealed the ways it intended to use the COVID-19 levy.[562] Ian Walker, UK High Commissioner to Ghana suggested ways the COVID-19 vaccine could be of help to the economy of Ghana.[563] Career women in Ghana were charged to take up leadership roles due to the impact of the pandemic.[564] The GHS launched an investigation in an alleged theft of COVID-19 vaccines by three health workers.[565]
  • On 21 March, FDA warned against importing COVID-19 vaccines in Ghana illegally.[566] GHS claimed over 460,000 received the vaccine,[567] it also claimed about 90,000 health workers who are outside the COVID-19 epicenters would receive the vaccine.[568]
  • On 22 March, Ken Ofori-Atta returned to Ghana after he traveled to the USA to seek medical attention due to testing positive for the virus.[569][570] KBTH received medical equipment from Eni Ghana and its partners.[571]
  • On 23 March, Kwahu Easter was called off due to the pandemic.[572] GHS cautioned Ghanaians to continue to adhere to the safety protocols after vaccination.[573] Some panelists discussed on innovative business models in the era of the pandemic.[574] Health workers were encouraged to take the COVID-19 vaccine.[575] Dora Edu-Buandoh urged for new ways to run higher institutions due to the impact of the pandemic.[576]
  • On 24 March, UNAIDS Ghana claimed COVID-19 impacted the country's progress against TB.[577] MTN provided PPEs to three hospitals in the Ashanti region.[578] MUSIGA launched a campaign through music and video to educate the public about the pandemic.[579] Prof. William Kwabena Ampofo claimed his outfit had taken a decision to ensure that “all laboratories produce an 80 per cent accuracy test and none of the tests should be false negative.”[580]
  • On 25 March, almost 500,000 people received the vaccine.[581] Religious institutions and health workers urged Christians to avoid conventions and picnics during Easter.[582] It was reported there was a decline in the country's active cases.[583] People in Teshie were urged to take part in the vaccination exercise.[584]
  • On 26 March, GPS cautioned the public against hosting large gatherings and others.[585] PPEs were presented to people around and in Osu.[586] Ghanaians were urged to adhere to the safety protocols and restrictions on large gatherings during Easter.[587] The COVID-19 vaccination exercise began in Volta and Bono regions.[588] CCG urged churches to avoid Easter activities in public places.[589]
  • On 27 March, the GMA cautioned Ghanaians to adhere to the safety protocols during the Easter festivities.[590] According to the Director of TUC, businesses and households have not recovered from the pandemic to pay tax to assist the government.[591] GHS claimed schools in Volta, Western, Greater Accra and Eastern Regions were the hot-spots of the virus.[592] ICGC presented over 100,000 nose masks to psychiatric hospitals.[593]
  • On 28 March, about 421 girls were claimed to have not returned to school due to pregnancy during the pandemic.[594] CCG urged churches to observe the Easter festivities in chapel activities.[595] BMW Club in Ghana donated some items to UGMC and the Ga East Hospital.[596]
  • On 29 March, the President of GMA claimed the non-observance of the safety protocols due to the rollout of the vaccines was disturbing.[597] Some football clubs were given the approval to admint their spectators in home games.[598] GHS claimed the country's active cases dropped.[599] Nana Ama Mcbrown, Israel Laryea, Abeiku Aggrey Santana, Emelia Brobbey and Reggie Rockstone were appointed as ambassadors for the COVID-19 National Trust Fund.[600]
  • On 30 March, GhanaFact partnered with a WHO network to tackle fake news on COVID-19.[601] A journalist wrote an article on COVID-19 scare in the country.[602] COVID-19 Health Recovery Levy was approved by Parliament of Ghana.[603] Ghanaians were educated on the COVID-19 vaccines.[604]
  • On 31 March, about 9,500 health workers in the Upper West region received the vaccine.[605] Health workers in the Bono East region were vaccinated against the virus.[606] About 119 health workers were vaccinated in Agotime-Ziope District.[607] A COVID-19 testing program was launched by the Christian Health Association of Ghana.[608] GIZ launched an initiative to provide food to frontline workers and others.[609]

April 2021[edit]

  • On 1 April, Kwaku Agyeman Manu claimed there was a decline of COVID-19 cases in the country.[610] GHS claimed Ghana was to receive about one million doses of Russia’s Sputnik-V vaccine.[611] NMIMR was said to introduce COVID-19 antigen tests after approval from the FDA.[612] 555,259 people received the vaccine in Ghana.[613] Churches were encouraged to adhere to government's laid down rules.[614] Scientists met in Accra to discuss how to fight diseases such as COVID-19 etc.[615] President Nana Akufo-Addo claimed about 300,000 vaccines were expected in the country.[616]
  • On 2 April, Mahamudu Bawumia advised the public to comply to the safety protocols.[617] NCCE urged the public to avoid large gatherings and others.[618] GHS advised the public to observe the safety protocols.[619] The pandemic's restrictions was claimed to have affected the fabric and shoe business in Sunyani.[620] Beaches in Accra were deployed by the GPS to enforce the protocol on mass gathering.[621][622]
  • On 3 April, some people were arrested for allegedly defying the order of the ban placed on beaches.[623] Ghanaians who received the vaccine initially were claimed to receive the second jab of AstraZeneca vaccines from the end of April to May.[624] GHS urged Ghanaians to be cautious during the Easter holidays amid the pandemic.[625]
  • On 4 April, churches in the Tema metropolis were praised for observing the safety protocols during Easter.[626] GFA banned Techiman Eleven Wonders for violating the directives laid down by the National COVID-19 Task force.[627]
  • On 5 April, GEA began training for some SMEs under the COVID-19 SME Innovation and Digitalization Support Scheme.[628]
  • On 6 April, some GIS officers in Hohoe received the COVID-19 vaccine.[629] Korle Klottey boss praised the COVID-19 Task force for their activities during the Easter holidays.[630] Government was urged to tread carefully in its expectation of reviving the economy due to the impact of the pandemic.[631] A survey conducted revealed about 80% of Ghanaians were satisfied with the pandemic's response of the government.[632] About 1,679 reports of side effects were revealed by the FDA.[633]
  • On 7 April, a comparison was made between deaths caused by road traffic accidents to COVID-19 deaths in Ghana.[634]
  • On 8 April, Jason Nelson claimed it was no sin receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.[635]
  • On 9 April, Gold Fields' Tarkwa mines claimed it has set aside $2.3 million to help in the fight against COVID-19 in its communities.[636] WAHO provided Ghana with a second batch of PPEs.[637][638] Justina Owusu-Banahene received the COVID-19 vaccine.[639]
  • On 10 April, it was reported about 647,380 people received the vaccine.[640]
  • On 11 April, according to Dr. Nsiah Asare, the government would secure more AstraZeneca vaccine for the Ghanaian population.[641] Kurt Okraku claimed despite the pandemic, referees and other officials received payments.[642] It was reported about 681,211 people received the AstraZeneca.[643]
  • On 12 April, OISL presented PPEs to Akropong School for the Blind.[644] Yvonne Asamoah-Tawiah presented items including PPEs to the Eye of the Lord Orphanage in Nsawam.[645]
  • On 13 April, Mahamudu Bawumia advised Muslims to observe the safety protocols during Ramadan.[646][647] Alex Djonoborh Tetteh urged Muslims to observe the safety protocols during Ramadan.[648] Ebenezer Kojo Kum urged Muslims to pray to Allah to heal the world from the pandemic.[649]
  • On 14 April, Kofi Asamoah urged the government to reopen cinemas after they were shut due to the pandemic.[650] Workers at Absa Ghana presented PPEs and other items to the GPS Senior Correctional Centre.[651] NPP urged Muslims to use Ramadan to pray for an end to the pandemic.[652] About 800,000 people received the vaccine.[653][654][655] About 2,000 COVID-19 vaccines were claimed to expire on Friday, 16 April 2021 in the Northern region.[656] Patrick Kuma-Aboagye stressed on the benefit of maintaining progress in the fight against COVID-19.[657]
  • On 15 April, about 480 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines were confirmed to have gone to waste in the Northern region.[658][659] A report conducted by CHAG claimed the pandemic did not impact healthcare delivery in the country negatively.[660] The Greater Accra region was claimed to have the highest number of active cases.[661]
  • On 16 April, almost all public and private health workers were claimed to have received the vaccine.[662] Entrepreneurs were claimed to be performing quite well in terms of income despite the impact of COVID-19.[663] NCCE in the Eastern region intensified campaign for the public to receive the vaccine.[664] A report claimed the pandemic created avenues for corruption to continue.[665]
  • On 17 April, the Government was urged to give attention to road accidents as COVID-19.[666] Mahamudu Bawumia reminded Muslims to adhere to the safety protocols during Ramadan.[667]
  • On 18 April, the Ghana Mission in Washington DC and others presented $59,850 to the Ghana Covid-19 Private Sector Fund.[668][669] GHS extended the vaccination exercise to 12 weeks,[670] they also claimed adherence to the safety protocols and the vaccine helped in controlling the spread of the virus.[671]
  • On 19 April, GHS claimed about 345 schools recorded COVID-19 cases,[672] they also claimed over 500 COVID-19 vaccines expired and were discarded in the Northern and Oti regions,[673] they also assured the public of a second delivery of the vaccine.[674][675] Patrick Kuma-Aboagye claimed the government is working to prevent the third outbreak of the pandemic in Ghana.[676]
  • On 20 April, the COVID-19 Health Recovery Levy was to take effect on 1 May 2021.[677] NCCE urged the public to adhere to the safety protocols.[678]
  • On 21 April, GHS claimed the country would roll out a digital verification of COVID-19 tests.[679] Some health experts in Ghana urged the public to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.[680]
  • On 22 April, MTN Ghana Foundation presented PPEs to Tema General Hospital to curb the spread of the virus.[681] CRS initiated an awareness campaign to educate on the COVID-19 vaccine in the five regions in the north.[682] About 100 women would be given opportunities to go through experiences delivered through various COVID recognised protocol methods.[683] GHS urged the public to remain cautious of COVID-19.[684] Patrick Kuma-Aboagye claimed Ghana received four pre-assembled P3 labs to be added to other COVID-19 testing laboratories.[685]
  • On 23 April, Edward Omane Boamah claimed the interruption of power supply would cause a risk to the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[686] Kofi Akpaloo claimed the consequences of illegal mining would be worse than COVID-19's impact.[687] Over 800,000 people received the vaccine.[688] Kwaku Agyeman-Manu claimed COVID-19 offered an opportunity for the improvement of health infrastructure.[689]
  • On 24 April, a COVID-19 testing center was inaugurated in the Northern part of Ghana.[690]
  • On 25 April, a letter received by GACL claimed there was a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases arriving into Ghana.[691] GHS claimed COVID-19 pandemic was given 'much' attention in Ghana.[692]
  • On 26 April, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu assured the deployment of measures to halt the spread of the virus at the airport.[693] The Minority in Parliament urged the government to restrict travels at KIA due to the rise of COVID-19 cases.[694] UNICEF to deliver some COVID-19 vaccines to Ghana.[695] COVID-19 cases rose up at KIA.[696]
  • On 27 April, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah claimed the Presidential COVID-19 task-force would hold a meeting concerning the increase in COVID-19 cases at KIA.[697] A virologist at KCCR advised health authorities to put in place measures to reduce the COVID-19 cases at KIA.[698] Dr. John Amuasi claimed it would be dangerous to suggest there was no cause of alarm following the threats of a 3rd wave of the virus.[699] A research conducted claimed the pandemic caused an increase in domestic violence.[700]
  • On 28 April, GHS claimed Ghana would receive about 300,000 doses of AstraZeneca.[701] MoFA claimed COVID-19 caused the shortage of yellow maize in Ghana.[702] According to a report by GSS and others, people currently traveling between regions was the same before the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.[703] AfCFTA's General Secretariat and others were concerned about the COVID-19 antigen test at KIA.[704] KBTH received PPEs from MTN Ghana.[705] Nana Akufo-Addo claimed the COVID-19 taskforce was looking to reopen cinemas.[706]
  • On 29 April, Government urged Ghanaian travellers to postpone or cancel trips to countries with hugh COVID-19 infection rates.[707]
  • On 30 April, government was urged to use the COVID-19 levy to cover vaccines and immunisation activities.[708] EC claimed cost of 2020 elections reduced in spite of the pandemic.[709] Da Costa Aboagye claimed KIA has a 'robust'[710] and has one of the 'best' mechanism to reduce the importation of COVID-19 cases.[711]

May 2021[edit]

  • On 1 May, according to a GSS survey, about 770,000 employees had their wages cut off due to the pandemic.[712] COVID-19 levy took effect.[713] GHS started investigations at KIA due to the rise of COVID-19 cases.[714]
  • On 2 May, Occupy Ghana urged the government to investigate an event organized without the adherance of the safety protocols,[715] and stop huge gatherings and apply the COVID-19 laws.[716] Minority in Parliament urged the government to hasten the procurement of the second batch of the COVID-19 vaccines,[717] they also demanded a temporary ban of flights from COVID-19 hot-spot countries.[718] TUC claimed almost 800,000 workers had their salaries reduced due to the pandemic.[719]
  • On 3 May, Nsiah Asare claimed the non compliance of the safety protocols by the Christ Embassy Church was 'unfortunate'.[720] Edward Omane Boamah posted on Facebook concerning the non adherence of the safety protocols by the Christ Embassy Church.[721] Minority in Parliament urged the government to take into consideration PPP arrangements to secure the COVID-19 vaccine.[722] Market women in Wa claimed they were unable to access the COVID-19 funds created by the government.[723] GPS cautioned institutions who do not adhere the safety protocols.[724]
  • On 4 May, 350,000 doses of AstraZeneca were received.[725] GMA condemned the disregard of the safety protocols by the Christ Embassy Church.[726] GPS cautioned the organizers of a planned demonstration due to the ban of public gatherings.[727][728]
  • On 5 May, more than 849,500 doses of the vaccines were administered.[729] Local pharmaceutical manufacturers claimed they were still waiting for clearance to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines locally.[730] Beaches in the Greater Accra region were claimed to be deserted on May Day due to the ban.[731] Ghana was part of countries whose citizens were restricted by Oman due to COVID-19.[732]
  • On 6 May, Dr. Lawrence Lartey claimed ways were in place to stop the importation of corona virus cases in Ghana through KIA.[733] GHS received 350,000 doses of the AstraZeneca.[734][735] Mahamudu Bawumia claimed COVID-19 slowed down economies globally,[736] he also claimed no COVID-19 case was recorded at the prisons.[737]
  • On 7 May, government claimed it would start vaccinating the second doses of the COVID-19 vaccines.[738] Four people were granted bail after there was disregard of the safety protocols in an event.[739] More than 11,500 people in the Bono region received the COVID-19 vaccines.[740]
  • On 8 May, 3 members of the Christ Embassy Church pleaded not guilty for non-adherence of the COVID-19 ban on public gatherings.[741] Dr. Aboagye Dacosta cautioned against demonstration by some Ghanaians to prevent the spread of the virus.[742] The second vaccination exercise was claimed to begin on 19 May 2021.[743][744] More than 3,200 prison officers and inmates received the COVID-19 vaccines in four regions.[745]
  • On 11 May, GHS claimed the AstraZeneca received would be given to those who were due for their second jabs.[746] It was observed by Daily Graphic that many people do not comply to the safety protocols at KIA.[747]
  • On 13 May, Osman Nuhu Sharubutu cautioned Muslims in Ghana to adhere to the COVID-19 safety protocols.[748]
  • On 14 May, IMF commended Ghana for 'effectively managing' the COVID-19 pandemic.[749] US Government in collaboration with USAID and GHS marked the end of the COVID-19 management training in Greater Accra.[750] Dr. Richard Suu-Ire claimed animals in Ghana could be tested for COVID-19.[751] KIA enforced the wearing of nose masks and adhering of the safety protocols.[752] Dr. Emmanuel Srofenyo claimed COVID-19 affected blood mobilization.[753]
  • On 16 May, Nana Akufo-Addo addressed the country concerning COVID-19 management,[754][755] he claimed the Restrictions Act(Act 1012) was still in force,[756] he also claimed the second COVID-19 vaccination exercise would begin on 19 May, 2021,[757][758] he also claimed the government was making efforts for Ghanaians to receive the vaccine.[759]
  • On 17 May, GHS urged Ghanaians to receive the second dose of the COVID-19 and claimed the AstraZeneca is 'safe and good'. [760] Northern region was claimed to have no active COVID-19 cases.[761]
  • On 18 May, COVID-19 was blamed for the increase of teenage pregnancies in the Upper East region.[762] Mahamudu Bawumia claimed the pandemic has created an opportunity for businesses.[763] Nana Akufo-Addo claimed the country would enforce the COVID-19 restrictions until herd immunity is achieved by vaccination of Ghanaians.[764] GHS advised the public to participate in the second phase of COVID-19 vaccination.[765] Boomplay donated PPEs and some items to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital.[766] Patrick Kuma-Aboagye explained how the second dose of the vaccines would be administered.[767]
  • On 19 May, GHS began the inoculation of close to 360,000 people who vaccinated in March 2021.[768] There was a turnout at certain health centres in Accra for the COVID-19 vaccination.[769] James Aboagye claimed he is not in support for the reopening of cinemas amid the pandemic.[770] Patrick Kuma-Aboagye claimed people who took the second dose of the vaccine would still have to put on a face mask.[771]
  • On 20 May, Public Interest & Accountability Committee claimed the pandemic and its effects on the economy affected upstream oil and gas sector in 2020.[772] More than 13,600 people received the COVID-19 in the second round of the vaccination exercise.[773]
  • On 21 May, Ghana was selected as a possible manufacturing hub for COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa by the European Union. These was made known after a meeting between Nana Akufo-Addo and Valdis Dombrovskis.[774][775]
  • On 27 May, GHS claimed over 82% of its target for the second phase were vaccinated.[776]
  • On 28 May, over a million people were claimed to have received the vaccine.[777] One person was reported to have died due to the virus.[778]

June 2021[edit]


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