

Meet America’s Best Employers For Women 2021

After a devastating year for women in the workforce, Forbes teamed up with market research company Statista to identify the companies liked most by female workers.

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The Top Trends In America’s Job Market

The U.S. labor market is going through extraordinary times: historically fast job growth, severe labor shortages despite a still-high unemployment rate, and the epic shift to remote work. As the fallout from Covid-19 continues, here are the most important U.S. job market trends.
Aug 17, 2021

Gig Platforms Failing To Provide Fair Work (Still)

The Covid pandemic has shone a light on the most vulnerable members of the labor force, with gig workers foremost among them. A new report shows that platforms are still letting down workers in a number of crucial areas
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Set A High Standard For Hybrid Work

Hybrid work is here to stay and we can’t labor under the delusion that it will just “work itself out.” Use this moment of return to office to make collaboration better than when you left it.